CEDD 20A Celebratory Event - HKIE CVD – CEDD Joint Conference 2024 (By CV Division)


As an exciting kickoff to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of CEDD in 2024, the joint conference with The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Civil Division (HKIE CVD) was held on 24th January 2024 at the Cordis Hotel, Hong Kong, and it was a resounding success.


Under the theme "Innovation and Technology: Building a Smart and Livable City," the conference brought together over 400 attendees from diverse sectors, including engineering, architecture, manufacturing, technology, developers, academia, professional bodies and many more. The event provided a platform for these participants to exchange insights and experiences on the latest innovative technologies and their potential to contribute to the development of a smarter city.


One of the main highlights of the conference was a series of enlightening keynote speeches delivered by our esteemed Guests of Honor. Mr. Paul CHAN Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR, shared valuable insights on how sustainable finance can empower our city's future. Ms. Bernadette LINN, Secretary for Development of the HKSAR, discussed upcoming infrastructural projects and the innovative approaches taken to foster a more sustainable outcome. Additionally, Mr. Bernard Charnwut CHAN, Board Vice Chairman of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, delivered an empowering speech emphasising the importance of cultural integration in urban development. We were also honoured to have Mr. Ricky LAU Chun-kit, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), and Ir Dr Barry LEE, President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, join in officiating the opening of the conference.


The conference continued with three engaging themed sessions where speakers delved into their areas of expertise, sharing valuable insights on making Hong Kong a smarter and more livable city. These sessions concluded with impactful panel discussions, expertly moderated to foster a meaningful exchange of ideas between the audience and the esteemed speakers.


The first session, titled "Smart and Livable City Infrastructure: Planning, Design, and Operations," explored how meticulous planning integrates climate change considerations and innovative solutions to harmonise economic interests with sustainable practices as well as effective and innovative waste management for a cleaner and greener city.


The second session, titled "Sustainable Development of a Livable Smart City," focused on how technology can contribute to a more sustainable urban environment. Environmentally friendly technologies for reclamation and innovative movable-type printing technology were introduced and discussed in the session. In addition, ways to support the sustainable development of a smart city through the integration of digital and power electronics technology were explored, aiming to develop green power and achieve carbon neutrality.


The final session, titled "Innovation and Technology for Smart City Development," focused on the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in urban environments. The session included case studies on transforming the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) into a sustainable smart campus using AI and big data, as well as discussion around the application of data-driven decision-making technology in building an Airport City.  Findings on how AI will revolutionise the concept of smart cities, leading us into an even more intelligent future, were also shared.


In addition to the informative sessions, the conference featured exhibitions where attendees could exchange ideas and explore innovative solutions. The event facilitated meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, contributing to collective efforts towards building a smarter and more livable city.


The conference was sponsored by around 40 companies and supported by over 20 organisations. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Organising Committee, co-chaired by Ir Tim LEUNG, Committee Member of HKIE CVD, and Ir Ricky C P WONG, Head of Civil Engineering Office of CEDD, the “Innovation and Technology: Building a Smart & Livable City” Conference was a resounding success, showcasing the potential of innovation and technology in shaping a brighter future for Hong Kong.


Our gratitude to the moderators and speakers of the conference:

  • Mr Nixon CHAU, Managing Director & General Manager of SenseTime Hong Kong
  • Ir Ray CHOI, Director of Business Development, Hong Kong Digital Power Business Dept, Huawei International Co. Limited
  • Ms Bhavya KUKRETY, Group Managing Director of Smart and Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Transportation (SUIT) at Meinhardt Group
  • Ir Ricky W K LEUNG, Executive Director, Engineering & Technology at the Airport Authority Hong Kong
  • Professor Hong K LO, JP, Dean of Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Ir Eric MA Siu-cheung, GBS, JP, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of New World Development Company Limited
  • Ir Dr Derrick PANG Yat Bong, JP, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited
  • Mr Laurent PELLETIER, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong
  • Ir WAI Chi Sing, GBS, JP, FHKEng
  • Mr Rocco S K YIM, BBS, JP, Principal of Rocco Design Architects Associated Ltd
  • Mr Daniel ZHANG, Broad Group Broad Core Building CEO & Group Vice President
  • 上海港灣集團董事長徐士龍先生

(in alphabetical order of surname)

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