With the implementation of the Competence-based Professional Assessment (PA) on 1 April 2019, applicants who would like to take the PA under the current assessment system have to submit their applications for the HKIE Membership by post on or before the postmark deadline on 31 March 2019. Applications submitted on or after 1 April 2019 will be processed under the competence-based system.
In Part 3 Procedure of Section 4 Professional Assessment in the booklet M3 Route to Membership reads that:
“3.1 Candidates should submit the Institution application form for Election or Transfer to the Class of Member (Form 1/M) with supporting signatures. Requisite periods of training and experience should be completed by the date of submission of the form unless specifically stated otherwise.
3.2 Together with the application form, candidates should submit reports, drawings and documents as detailed below……
3.3 The Institution may at any time refer the submission back to the candidates.”
The Qualification and Membership Board resolved that for the Membership applications submitted on or before 31 March 2019 which are found not in order, the following arrangements will apply in handling these applications:
(a) Applications will be rejected if the requisite periods of training and experience of the applicants have not been completed by the date of submission of the form, or the required submissions/signatures are not provided. Applicants are required to submit a new application.
(b) For the applications which are basically in order but require supplementary information, applicants will be given two weeks from the date of notification to submit the supplementary information. Applications will be rejected if the applicants are not able to provide the required supplementary information by the stated deadline. In that case, applicants are required to submit a new application.
If new applications are required to be submitted in the above two scenarios and made on or after 1 April 2019, the applicants have to submit the new Membership application form (Form 1/MD) for the competence-based system, and they will be arranged to take the Competence-based PA if the applications are in order.
The relevant documents for the competence-based system are available on the HKIE website at https://hkie.org.hk/en/membership/download_mem2.
Nomination for election of Vice President for Session 2019/2020
The Council at its meeting held on 17 January 2019 adopted the nomination procedures for election of Vice President (VP) for Session 2019/2020 on the day of the 44th Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Tuesday, 18 June 2019.
There will be one vacant post of VP and the nomination period is now open. In accordance with paragraph 2.1 of the Procedures and Schedule for VP Nomination, each nomination must be proposed by a current Council Member and supported by four current Council Members, where each Council Member could propose or support one nomination only for each vacancy. The requirements of VP as stipulated in Article 16 Clause (b) of the Constitution are extracted below:
“The Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Council from among the Fellows who have been Council Members for at least two years for election by Corporate Members on the day of the Annual General Meeting. …”
Each nomination shall be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary by completing the Nomination Form for election of VP for Session 2019/2020. Candidate shall also submit the following supplementary information on a single sided A4 paper for circulation to Council Members for consideration:
- personal information
- present position or occupation and brief work history
- membership and offices (present and/or former) held in the Institution
- a brief supporting statement
All Candidates are invited to prepare the following information for nomination for election of VP after they have submitted their Nomination Forms. Candidates shall be informed of the details individually.
Introductory information sheet for distribution at the Council meeting (Special)
In accordance with paragraph 2.5.2 of the Procedures and Schedule for VP Nomination, all Candidates shall be invited to a Council meeting (Special) to present what they intend to accomplish for the Institution. For the purpose of this meeting, Candidates are allowed to distribute an introductory information sheet at the Council meeting (Special). It would be the Candidates’ responsibility to ensure enough copies are available for such distribution. The introductory information sheet shall be in a single sided A4 paper. Candidates must ensure the correctness and accuracy of the contents.
Notice to Corporate Members of Candidates nominated by the Council close to the time of the AGM of the Institution
The Institution shall circulate a list of Candidates standing for election to all Corporate Members close to the time of the AGM of the Institution. Candidates for the election of VP may make use of this circulation by providing further election material. For details, rules and deadline, please contact the Chief Executive and Secretary.
Election Material for direct mailing/Institution’s e-Newsletter to Corporate Members
Candidates nominated for election of VP can send their own election material at their own costs to all Corporate Members who are eligible for voting on the day of the AGM by way of direct mailing and/or through the Institution’s e-Newsletter arrangement. For details, rules and deadline, please contact the Chief Executive and Secretary.
The original signed copy of the Nomination Form together with the supplementary information of the Candidate must be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary on or before Friday, 8 March 2019 at 5:30pm at :
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
9/F Island Beverley
No 1 Great George Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
The Qualification and Membership Board at its meeting on 5 September 2018 approved the following changes related to the eligibility for the HKIE Structural Examination (the Examination) effective from Session 2021/2022:
(a) | An additional year of experience from applicants of all routes is required. |
(b) | The formal training route is only available to applicants with HKIE Scheme “A” training. |
(c) | Applicants with Scheme “A” training in Civil Engineering Discipline are required to possess 1.5 years of structural design experience. |
The amended eligibility for the Examination is as follows:
(a) | Formal Training Route | ||||||||||||
(b) | General Experience Route | ||||||||||||
(c) | Mature Route | ||||||||||||
The amendments to the eligibility for the Examination will be effective from the Examination in Session 2021/2022. In that connection, starting from the Examination in Session 2021/2022, all applicants via formal training route are required to have completed their Scheme “A” training. Details of the arrangement of the Examination in Session 2021/2022 will be announced in due course via the HKIE website.
The HKIE Competence Standard for Professional Engineers (Corporate Members) and the Competence-based Professional Assessment would be launched in April 2019. In order for potential applicants of the HKIE Corporate Membership to know more about the new approach of assessment, briefing session would be provided. Please click here for the details and submit the online registration on or before 31 January 2019.
The relevant documents for the competence-based system are available on the HKIE website.
The HKIE is an Authorised Member of the APEC Engineer agreement. This agreement aims to establish a standard of competence for professional engineering to facilitate the mobility of experienced professional engineers among the participating Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. For further details about the APEC Engineer and its register in Hong Kong, please visit the corresponding webpage under the HKIE website at https://www.hkie.org.hk/en/quali/ipea_a/#apec.
In line with the above stated aim, the APEC Engineer Coordinating Committee under the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group established a publicly accessible and centralised databank of registered APEC Engineers – APEC Engineer Databank – in August 2018.
The APEC Engineer Databank consists of basic data of APEC Engineers including name, registration details, company/organisation and job designation, as well as more advanced information such as experience profile. Through the APEC Engineer Databank, APEC Engineers have the opportunity to promote their skills and professional services. On the other hand, the potential employers/business partners and government agencies have the opportunity to search for competent engineers to support cross-border collaboration projects, skills transfer and innovation.
Members are invited to visit the webpage of the APEC Engineer Databank under the International Engineering Alliance website at
http://www.ieagreements.org/agreements/apec/apec-engineer-databank/ for more information.