Conflicts in the workplace need careful handling. Mediation skills offers important benefits to resolve workplace conflicts. The training situations mainly focuses on the learning and application of mediation skills to handle workplace common relationship issues that arise in the workplace. It also highlights, with a view to creating a sustainable and harmonious working environment.
This training aims at improving personal and business skills of participants for getting better results and in turn more positive successes to daily situations in the commercial environment. Through an interactive learning approach, this training will
involve presentation, discussion and/or group exercises with
illustrations of real-life situations and case studies.
- Understanding the nature of workplace conflicts
- Workplace applications of mediation skills
- Theories and trend of mediation
- Benefits of using mediation skill in the workplace
- The process and roles of mediator
- Mediation skills and practices for conflict resolution
- Handling troubles and troublemakers in bargaining
- Case reviews and situation studies
Cantonese (with English materials)
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- A crossed cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Legal Training Institute Ltd.”
- FPS ID “169170578” and send the transaction record to email@hklti.hk
Email: email@hklti.hk or Tel: +852 2869 6322