The HKIE is a qualifying body for a wide range of Disciplines and consists of the following classes of membership. There are Corporate Members and other membership classes in the HKIE. Corporate Members have the right to vote on matters relating to the governance of the Institution. Some members may use designatory letters after their names.
Fellow - FHKIE
Fellow is a senior Corporate Member who:
- is usually at least 35 years of age, and
- has achieved positions of responsibility to which he/she has brought superior knowledge and practice in an engineering discipline.
Member - MHKIE
Member is a qualified professional engineer who has:
- attained the age of 25,
- obtained an accredited/recognised degree or the equivalent in an acceptable engineering discipline,
- received adequate training,
- had sufficient responsible experience, and
- successfully completed the Institution's Professional Assessment or the equivalent.
Associate Member - AMHKIE
Associate Member is an engineering technologist who has:
- attained the age of 23,
- obtained a Higher Diploma or Higher Certificate accredited/recognised by the Institution, or an acceptable equivalent in a recognised engineering or technological discipline,
- received adequate practical training,
- had appropriate responsible experience, and
- successfully completed the Institution's Assessment Interview.
Candidate with Higher Diploma needs to have a minimum of three years' experience. Higher Certificate holder needs to have a minimum of four years' experience.
Graduate Member
- have obtained an accredited honours degree or an acceptable equivalent in a recognised engineering or technological discipline (See Membership booklet M3, Section 2.) ; or
- have obtained an accredited / recognized higher diploma, higher certificate, associate degree or an acceptable equivalent in a recognized engineering or technological discipline; and
- have completed or are undertaking a programme of practical training.
Student member is a person undertaking or has completed an engineering programme accredited/recognised by the Institution; this may be an engineering Degree or a Higher Diploma or a Higher Certificate.
A person who is not necessarily an engineer, but is in a position of responsibility comparable with that of the class of Member, in a profession related to engineering.
A membership grade open to either non-engineers who have a special interest in one field of engineering or someone waiting to enter another class of membership.
All members of the Institution are bound by its Rules of Conduct, a code of practice and ethics which governs how an engineer behaves towards the profession and the public.
The Council approved the HKIE Competence Standard for Professional Engineers (Corporate Members) and the launch of the Competence-based Professional Assessment for membership applications (Corporate Member Level) submitted on or after 1 April 2019. Please click here for the relevant information.
Please click below link for the membership application forms and relevant information.
“Ir” is a recognised abbreviation for “Engineer” under HKIE Constitution Article 4, which stipulates that ‘Corporate Members may adopt the courtesy prefix “Engineer” in front of their names. The recognised abbreviation for “Engineer” shall be “Ir”.’
The correct pronunciation of “Ir” is “Engineer” and the Chinese title is 「工程師」. “Ir” is the official title for Corporate Members of the HKIE, who are encouraged to promote its use in public by addressing each other as “Ir”, by using it in their name cards and letterheads, etc.
Unauthorised use of the “Ir” title is not allowed.
For application of use by any person or character for promotion of a good cause, please make a request in writing for consideration by the HKIE. (Enquiries: hkie-sec@hkie.org.hk)