International Engineering Agreements


The International Professional Engineers Register of the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA) and the APEC Engineer Register in Hong Kong, China have been available for registration since 1 April 2002. The Institution has been authorised by the Hong Kong IPEA Monitoring Committee (formerly known as the Hong Kong EMF Monitoring Committee) and the Hong Kong APEC Engineer Monitoring Committee to implement the two registers. The following are the details for registration.


IPEA International Professional Engineers Register in Hong Kong, China

The HKIE is an Authorised Member to the IPEA, formerly known as Engineers Mobility Forum (EMF) Agreement which was signed on 25 June 2001 in South Africa. A list of Authorised Members of IPEA can be found at


The purpose of the IPEA is to establish and maintain an International Professional Engineers Register, and this Agreement intends to provide a framework for the recognition of experienced professional engineers by responsible bodies in each of the member economy.


This Agreement provides a framework within which the appropriate responsible body in an economy may, to the extent it considers appropriate, recognise the substantial equivalence in professional competence and standing of experienced professional engineers licensed, registered or otherwise deemed eligible for independent practice in another economy within which the Authorised Members have standing.


The Authorised Members note that such registration will only be effective if the responsible bodies in the relevant economies accept the validity of the procedures and criteria through which substantial equivalence is established, and streamline the procedures for granting rights of practice in their economies to registrants applying through this mechanism.


The Authorised Members will therefore use their best endeavours to ensure that responsible bodies in the economies within which they have standing to use this Agreement as a foundation upon which to enter multilateral agreements, or to conclude bilateral agreements, providing for such streamlined procedures to be adopted on a reciprocal basis in dealing with applications by registrants based in the economies concerned.


Authorised Members of the IPEA undertake to implement an International Professional Engineers Register in their own jurisdictions as the first step of implementing the Agreement.


Upon the establishment of a register in each of the Authorised Member, the IPEA International Coordinating Committee shall liaise with the Monitoring Committees of each Authorised Member on the next steps moving towards assisting the International Professional Engineers registered in each member economy to practise in other member economies.


APEC Engineer Register in Hong Kong, China

The APEC Engineer, developed under the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Human Resources Development Working Group, is an initiative to facilitate mobility of professional engineers among the APEC Economies.

The purpose of APEC Engineer project is to set up a framework to facilitate future bilateral or multilateral recognition of professional qualifications in accordance with free wishes of each individual economy.

The APEC Economies recognise that any agreement, which would confer exemption, in whole or in part, upon APEC Engineers from further assessment by the statutory bodies that control the right to practise in each economy, could be concluded only with the involvement and consent of those statutory bodies and the relevant governments. The APEC Engineer Coordinating Committee recommends that relevant governments pursue this within the broader APEC framework.

The APEC Economies note that only complete or partial exemption from assessment mechanisms operating within the jurisdiction in which an APEC Engineer seeks to become licensed or registered is at issue, not exemption from the requirement to become licensed or registered in the economy concerned.

A list of Authorised Members of APEC Engineer can be found at The APEC Engineers registered in Hong Kong, China who agreed to publish their information for public access can be found here.


Qualifications for Inclusion on IPEA International Professional Engineers Register / APEC Engineer Register in Hong Kong, China

For Hong Kong engineers to be eligible for entry onto the IPEA International Professional Engineers Register or APEC Engineer Register in Hong Kong, they must :-

  1. be Registered Professional Engineers under the Engineers Registration Ordinance; and
  2. have gained a minimum of seven years practical experience since graduation; and
  3. have spent at least two years in responsible charge of significant engineering work; and
  4. have maintained their continuing professional development at a satisfactory level. 

* Candidates admitted via Mature Route will not be accepted for registration onto the Registers.


Registration Fee

No application fee is charged and the annual registration fee for either International Professional Engineer or APEC Engineer in Hong Kong is HK$400.


You will be charged HK$600 only for the annual registration fee if you apply for registration on both registers.



After successful registration as approved by the Hong Kong IPEA Monitoring Committee and/or the Hong Kong APEC Engineer Monitoring Committee, registrants on the International Professional Engineers Register in Hong Kong, China can use the title "IntPE  (Hong Kong)" as their designation while those on the APEC Engineer Register in Hong Kong, China can use the title "APEC Engineer".

Application for Registration


Applicants should submit the completed application form with the registration fee and CPD records of the last two years to the Institution.


Further Information

For more information about the IPEA and APEC Engineer, please visit the websites at and


For enquiries about the International Professional Engineers Register and the APEC Engineer Register in Hong Kong, China, please contact the External Qualifications Section by phone at 2830 9098, by fax at 2882 8402 or by email to

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