26 June 2024
香港工程師學會新任會長馬紹祥工程師「一脈相承 縱深相連」Newly-Installed HKIE President Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links”

(香港,2024年6月26日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 欣然公布馬紹祥工程師於2024年6月25日舉行的第49屆會員周年大會上榮任第50屆會長。同時,李志康博士、工程師履任上任會長。


馬會長為學會2024/2025年度定下「一脈相承 縱深相連」 (“Grow the Nexus, Link the Links “) 的主題,強調香港工程界作為「超級聯繫人」的角色,將促進內地與海外工程專業團體加強接觸,既有廣度,亦有深度。他說:「適逢學會成立50週年,金禧誌慶固然值得高興,更是回顧過去、建設未來的關鍵時刻。」他致力於任內與學會管理層攜手合作,繼續推動學會實施策略性專業維新路綫圖改革,強化學會管治架構及提升效率,積極回應會員的期望。同時,他亦會透過開展其行動綱領內的各種活動,支持工程業界和整體社會的發展,以共創更美好的未來。













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  1. 馬紹祥工程師簡歷
  2. 2024/2025年度理事會名單


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與上任會長李志康博士、工程師 (左)





 (Hong Kong, 26 June 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) is pleased to announce that Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung has been elected as the 50th President of the HKIE at the 49th Annual General Meeting held on 25 June 2024.  Concomitantly, Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong becomes the Immediate Past President of the Institution.


President Ir Ma has set the theme “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links” (一脈相承 縱深相連) for Session 2024/2025, emphasising the role of the Hong Kong engineering community as a “super connector” in fostering stronger bonding with mainland and overseas engineering professional bodies. The theme also signifies both breadth and depth in engagement. “As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the HKIE’s incorporation, it is not only a joyous occasion but also a pivotal moment for reflecting on the past and building for the future,” said Ir Ma.  President Ir Ma further expressed his commitment to working closely with the Institution’s management to drive strategic transformation, enhance governance and improve efficiency of the Institution, and actively respond to members’ expectations.  Additionally, through various initiatives outlined in his action plan, Ir Ma aims to support the development of the engineering profession and society, creating a brighter future together with our stakeholders.


Ir Ma emphasised, “As a professional body of the Hong Kong engineering industry, the HKIE constantly strives to keep pace with the times, meeting the demands placed on engineers by the community. In the coming year, we will review governance efficiency of the Institution, enhance transparency and foster greater member engagement, promoting a sense of unity among our members. We will also continue focusing on nurturing and retaining the next generation of engineering talent, driving sustainable growth of society.”


With a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years in engineering and corporate governance, Ir Ma remains passionate about serving the industry. Throughout his tenure, he aims to share his expertise, enhancing stakeholders’ comprehension of the engineering competencies and guiding the HKIE and its members to consistently uphold professionalism while delivering top-notch services.


At the AGM, it was also announced that Ir Alice Chow Kin-tak and Ir Prof Frank Chan-fan were re-elected as Vice Presidents. Ir Leung Kwok-yiu was elected Vice President for this Session on the day of the AGM.  The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir Cheng Chi-lung, Ir Dr Johnny Cheuk Chi-yin, Ir Benedict Cheung Lai-shun, Ir Edmond Fong Wai-man, and Ir Tony Za Wai-gin.


Please refer to the attached list of all Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2024/2025.


For enquiries, please contact:


The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE

Tel :        2895 4446

Fax :        2882 6825

Email :     corpcom@hkie.org.hk



  1. Biography of Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung
  2. Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2024/2025



 Self Photos / Files - photo

The newly-installed President of the HKIE, Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung (right)

and the Immediate Past President, Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong (left)





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