(香港,2022年10月14日) 香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)剛就2022施政報告向政府提供意見。學會亦肯定政府於今年3月向立法會提交精簡與發展相關的法定程序的修例建議,唯建議未有觸及部分下游程序,例如與設計及建造相關的法定和行政程序,而這些程序對發展項目如期落成亦同等重要。學會經詳細研究後,於上月底發表題為「精簡建造及基建發展流程建議書」,主要就設計及建造階段程序作務實可行建議。
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(Hong Kong, 14 October 2022) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter “the HKIE”) has recently made recommendations to the Administration for its formulation of the 2022 Policy Address. The HKIE endorses the Administration’s legislative proposals (set out in a paper delivered in March 2022 to the Legislative Council) to streamline development-related statutory processes, but holds that some downstream statutory and administrative processes at design and construction stages, while being equally crucial to the timely delivery of development projects, are not being dealt with in them. After thorough examinations, at the end of last month the HKIE issued a report entitled “Recommendations on Streamlining Building Works and Infrastructure Development Processes”, providing practical and feasible suggestions, mainly, on the processes at design and construction stages.
In the press conference, President Ir Aaron Bok said that the HKIE, as a professional body representing the engineering industry, would submit its suggestions on the Policy Address to the Administration after collecting the interested parties’ views. These suggestions include reviewing procurement policy, augmenting manpower of the engineering profession in response to societal development, streamlining development processes, boosting land and housing supply, developing innovation and technology capacity, reviewing funding application processes, integrating into the Greater Bay Area, transportation, education, as well as sustainable and smart development of the city. Ir Bok put particular emphasis on the need on the Administration’s part to review the school curricula and university entry requirements in a timely manner, step up efforts to promote STEAM education, exert greater effort to foster mutual recognition of professional qualifications, thereby coping with the increasing demands for I&T and engineering talents following the city’s development.
In addition, the Institution supports adopting a multi-pronged approach persistently to tackle the shortage of land supply. To take forward the reclamation at the Harbour Metropolis, the planning, design and construction stages ought to be fast-tracked. The Institution also calls for a detailed infrastructure blueprint on the Administration’s part, a blueprint that will specify key milestones of delivery of land parcels and infrastructure works. It also advocates separating government, institutional and community facilities from residential blocks in public rental projects, such that modular integrated construction (MiC) method could be adopted thoroughly to further compress the construction time.
Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi Hong, the Institution’s Senior Vice President, elaborated on the report on streamlining approval processes. He suggested that a specific department or entity should be designated to process plan submissions and must set deadlines in its responses to the submissions. He further suggests adopting a ‘pre-application consultation step’, such that the projects’ potential technical issues may be identified beforehand and the approval and consultation processes may be facilitated under the principle of problem-solving. Provided that the original approved design principles and construction methodologies are observed, the need to seek for consent approval due to minor amendments should be avoided. Government departments should also be encouraged to serve their roles as both regulators and facilitators under the premise that quality, safety, as well as the principle of fairness and openness would not be compromised. In the report is also the proposal for a new public housing project delivery model: in the case of suitable projects, the site formation/infrastructure works, design, and building works would be implemented by one single department in order to shorten the time needed for construction.
The HKIE looks forward to a multi-pronged approach from the Administration. It is hoped that, as regards land and housing supply, a “wholesale enhancement in speed, efficiency, and quantity” will be achieved so that citizens may live and work in ways that meet their preferences.
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