The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Expresses Concern about the Collapse of Tower Crane in Sau Mau Ping
(香港,2022年9月8日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 對昨日秀茂坪安達臣道房協資助出售房屋項目建築地盤有高塔式起重機 (俗稱天秤) 倒塌,導致三名工程人員死亡和多人受傷深表關注,學會向死者、傷者及其家人致以深切慰問。學會得悉其中兩名死者為工程專業人員,當中一人為學會會員,另外一名學會會員亦正在留醫。學會對意外深感難過和惋惜,將會按機制啟動轄下基金,儘快為家屬提供一些經濟援助,以解燃眉之急。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 8 September 2022) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is gravely concerned about the fatal accident that took place yesterday, where a tower crane collapsed at the construction site of a Subsidised Sales Flats (SSF) project on Anderson Road in Sau Mau Ping, causing three deaths and multiple injuries. The HKIE offers our deepest condolences to the deceased, injured and their families. The Institution is also deeply saddened to learn that two of the deceased are engineering professionals and that one of them is a member of the Institution. Another injured person, also a member, is still being hospitalised. The HKIE will take steps, following established procedures, to invoke its Benevolent Fund for offering some financial relief to the members’ families.
Tower crane is a lifting appliance commonly used in construction sites. A total collapse is rare and has dire consequences. The Institution notes that the Authority has already issued a suspension notice stopping all works on site and it will carry out safety inspections of all cranes installed at construction sites in Hong Kong. The Institution appeals earnestly to all persons responsible for site management to arrange forthwith thorough examination of tower cranes on their sites by qualified professionals in order to remove any safety risks. Generally speaking, the foundation of a tower crane is designed by professional engineer on the basis of the crane’s loading requirement which is provided by the manufacturer. The design, installation and final acceptance are all subject to stipulated legal requirements. No tower crane should be operated without prior examination and verification by competent persons. Such operations inevitably involve different professional personnel. The HKIE urges the authorities to undertake immediate investigation to identify the root cause of the accident, ascertain the liability of relevant parties, and make suggestions for improvements to forestall recurrence.
The HKIE will handle the matter seriously if any member(s) of the Institution are found to be involved in the incident. Should there be any findings on breach of professional duties, disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the Constitution, Disciplinary Regulations and Rules of Conduct, with a view to both upkeeping members’ professional conduct and standards and meeting the public’s expectations.
The HKIE opines that no industrial accident of such a deplorable nature should have occurred in a developed economy like Hong Kong, especially when construction technology is now more advanced and the goal of the whole industry is “Zero Site Accident”. The accident is a clear indication that safety culture of the construction industry requires much more improvement.
The HKIE stands ready to exchange views with all stakeholders to review the causes of the problems. To secure a safer workspace for all who work on-site, the Institution eagers to assist in exploring with all concerned on brushing up the technical knowhow of engineering personnel, promoting safety culture at construction sites, and reviewing the penalties for occupational safety and health offences.
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The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
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Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk