Press Releases
28 February 2012
「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動正式揭幕 雲集工程專業精英 解構工程項目科技應用 The Official Launch of "Technology for Quality Living" Programme
(香港,二零一二年二月十八日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 與香港科學館今天宣布「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動正式啟動。這項由2012年2月18日至3月28日舉行的教育性活動,豐富內容包括有特備展覽、講座系列及工程項目實地考察等,讓市民深入淺出地認識工程專業如何提升人類生活質素,對社會未來發展起關鍵作用,藉此提升年青一代對工程專業的興趣。 發展局局長林鄭月娥,GBS,JP,康樂及文化事務署署長馮程淑儀,JP,香港工程師學會會長陳福祥博士、工程師,香港科學館署理總館長薛雯女士及「卓越工程建構優質生活」專責小組主席黃維安工程師攜手主持「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動揭幕儀式。五位主禮嘉賓將分別象徵「衣、食、住、行」和「優質生活」的巨型扭蛋置於「工程專業生命樹」上,象徵工程帶動發展同時優化生活,而「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動亦隨此正式啟動。 香港工程師學會會長陳福祥博士、工程師表示:「工程世界無處不在,與我們日常生活息息相關。配合學會今年年度的工作主題「應用先進科技,提升優質生活」,學會舉辦「卓越工程建構優質生活」的一系列多元化活動,希望讓大家認識到工程專業如何提升我們的生活質素。並且加深年青一代對工程師工作的認識,希望將來有更多年青人投身工程專業行列。」 為期超過一個月的特備展覽特別以「衣、食、住、行」為主題,透過生動有趣的形式,展示一系列圍繞我們日常生活的工程項目,例如「衣」有利用可再生能源替電子產品充電的太陽能背包;「食」會解構香港的食水來源以至供應系統;「住」展出利用近年盛行的流動裝置和無線網絡遙距操控家居電器的智能家居示範單位;而隨著學會於2009年成立航空專業界別,「行」的展區更特別介紹最新型的航機的製造過程和特點。學會搜羅香港以至來自世界各地的工程項目資料和展品,以生活化的內容向公眾介紹專業工程師如何運用卓越科技及工程知識,建構優質生活。 今次活動的另一特色是專題講座與半日遊互相配合。學會很榮幸邀請到多位來自不同工程專業界別的政府官員擔任嘉賓講者,為大家講解不同範疇的科技工程。而每個講座都有學會「師傳薈」計劃的年青工程師參與其中。這群未來工程精英又會以話劇形式,在每場講座開始前,向出席市民帶出所介紹工程項目的主題。 「卓越工程建構優質生活」特備展覽詳情如下:
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發展局局長林鄭月娥,GBS,JP(右三);康樂及文化事務署署長馮程淑儀,JP(右四); 香港工程師學會會長陳福祥博士、工程師(右二);香港科學館署理總館長薛雯女士(右五)及「卓越工程建構優質生活」專責小組主席黃維安工程師(右一) 攜手為「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動揭幕。 發展局局長林鄭月娥,GBS,JP(右)在香港工程師學會會長陳福祥博士、工程師 陪同下參觀展覽。 (Hong Kong, 18 February 2012) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and the Hong Kong Science Museum today announced the official launch of the "Technology for Quality Living" Programme. This educational programme takes place from 18 February to 28 March 2012. Comprising a special exhibition, a lecture series and tours of selected engineering projects, the programme is aimed at demonstrating the vital roles engineering professionals play in improving our quality of life as well as the future development of the society. In addition, the HKIE hopes that "Technology for Quality Living" Programe will engage and raise the interest of the younger generation in the engineering profession. Mrs Carrie LAM, GBS, JP, Secretary for Development, Mrs Betty FUNG CHING Suk-yee, JP, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ir Dr CHAN Fuk-cheung, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Ms Karen SIT Man, Chief Curator (Acting), Hong Kong Science Museum, Ir Duncan WONG Wai-on, Chairman, Task Force on "Technology for Quality Living" Programme host the opening ceremony together. To symbolise that engineering helps improve our quality of living and enhance the development of the society, the five officiating guests put the capsules representing "Clothing, Food, Housing and Transportation" and "Quality Living" on the "Tree of Engineering", activating the "Technology for Quality Living" Programme. Ir Dr Chan Fuk-cheung, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, said, "Engineering is in every part of our daily lives. By collaborating the theme of the Institution this year, 'Applying Frontiers of Technology for Quality Living', we have organised the 'Technology for Quality Living' Programme to help the public better understand how engineers apply technology to sustain and enhance our quality of life. We also hope the programme will foster the younger generation's interest in the engineering profession and encourage them to choose engineering as a career." The month-long special exhibition featuring "Clothing, Food, Housing and Transportation" demonstrates a series of engineering projects closely related to our daily life for example, the "Clothing" section showcases the solar backpack that make use of renewable energy to charge the electronic devices; the "Food" section shows the source of drinking water and water supply system in Hong Kong; the "Housing" section demonstrates the smart home setting allowing us to remotely control the home appliances with the rapid developing tablet computer and wireless network; since the establishment of Aircraft Engineering discipline in the HKIE in 2009, the "Transportation" section introduces the manufacturing process and features of the latest aircrafts. The HKIE collects the information of engineering projects as well as the display items from Hong Kong and different parts of the world, so as to illustrate how professional engineers are bringing quality living to the public by means of their technological and engineering excellence. In addition to the special exhibition, a series of lectures and tours on related projects will be organised. The HKIE is honoured to have government officials with backgrounds in different engineering fields as the guest speakers, and introduce broad spectrum of technology and engineering to the public. Also, young engineers of the President's Protégé Scheme (PPS) will participate in the lectures. These engineering leaders of the future will present the theme of engineering projects to public in a drama format at the beginning of every lecture.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Mrs Carrie LAM, GBS, JP, Secretary for Development (3rd from right); Mrs Betty FUNG CHING Suk-yee, JP, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services (4th from right); Ir Dr CHAN Fuk-cheung, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2nd from right); Ms Karen SIT Man, Chief Curator (Acting), Hong Kong Science Museum (5th from right); Ir Duncan WONG Wai-on, Chairman, Task Force on "Technology for Quality Living" Programme (1st from right) hosting the opening ceremony together. Mrs Carrie LAM, GBS, JP, Secretary for Development (right), accompanied by Ir Dr CHAN Fuk-cheung, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, made a tour at the exhibition. |
17 February 2012
(香港,二零一二年二月十七日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)留意到近日傳媒報導關於九龍塘一物業涉及違規僭建情況,並對此深表關注。 學會支持有關當局對懷疑有問題的建築物即時調查,並作出適當跟進及處理,秉公執行條例以保障公眾安全。 學會一直以持續發揮優質工程專業為宗旨,對會員操守有嚴格的要求,要求會員在執行其專業時,須按相關法例及規定處理其職務,並按應有的道德標準為其僱主及顧客提供服務。 對處理學會會員的紀律、專業操守問題以及投訴個案,學會會根據會章所定的機制作適當跟進及懲處。 有關傳媒查詢,請聯絡傳訊統籌經理張鳳宜小姐︰ 傳媒熱線 :6398 4599 電話 ︰2895 4446 傳真 ︰2203 4133 電郵 ︰ |
09 February 2012
「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動本月舉行 提升年青一代對工程專業興趣 Co-organise the "Technology for Quality Living" Programme to Foster Young People's Interest in the Engineering Profession
(香港,二零一二年二月九日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 與香港科學館將於2012年2月至3月期間舉辦一項名為「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動。這項為期超過一個月的教育性活動,豐富內容包括有特備展覽、講座系列及工程項目實地考察等,讓市民深入淺出地認識工程專業如何提升人類生活質素,對社會未來發展發揮重要作用,藉此激發年青一代對工程學的興趣。 香港工程師學會會長陳福祥博士、工程師表示:「市民大眾的日常生活與工程息息相關。工程業界透過科技研發結合無窮創意,將嶄新科技應用在我們身邊的事物,達到人們對優質生活的需求。學會一直致力向公眾推廣工程專業之重要性,因此今年特別舉辦「卓越工程建構優質生活」活動,希望讓更多市民了解到科技如何提升生活質素,並且加深學生對工程師工作的認識,激發年青一代對工程學的興趣,將來投身工程專業行列。」 「卓越工程建構優質生活」特備展覽以「衣、食、住、行」為主題,透過生動有趣的形式,展示一系列環繞我們日常生活的工程項目,讓參觀人士了解專業工程師如何運用卓越科技及工程知識,為巿民締造優質生活。 四大展示重點內容:
除了特備展覽外,活動又安排一系列專題講座及工程項目實地考察 (詳請參閱附件一)。講座分別以「水到渠成」、「鋪橋搭路」、「靈機妙動」和「風雲、息變」為主題,由來自不同工程專業界別的政府官員擔任嘉賓講者。出席講座人士其後可報名參加實地考察,參觀沙田濾水廠、青馬管制區及青沙管制區、九龍灣港鐵車廠及寶珊山泥傾瀉防治工程 ﹣地下水排放系統,在理論知識及親身體驗雙管齊下,深入了解工程對香港社會發展的重要性。 特備展覽詳情如下:
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(Hong Kong, 9 February 2012) The "Technology for Quality Living" Programme, co-organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and the Hong Kong Science Museum, will take place from 18 February to 28 March 2012. Comprising a special exhibition, a lecture series and tours of selected engineering projects, the month-long Programme is aimed at demonstrating the vital roles engineering and technology play in economic development and in improving quality of life in Hong Kong. In addition, the HKIE hopes that "Technology for Quality Living" will engage and excite the interest of the younger generation in the engineering profession. Ir Dr Chan Fuk-cheung, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, said, "Engineering is in every part of our daily lives. By combining technology, research and development as well as creative innovation, the engineering industry has enabled people to enjoy a high quality of life. The HKIE has long been committed to promoting the importance and purpose of the engineering profession. This year, we have organised the "Technology for Quality Living" Programme to help the public better understand how engineers apply technology to sustain and enhance our quality of life. We also hope the Programme will foster students' interest in the engineering profession and encourage our younger generation to choose engineering as their career." A key part of the "Technology for Quality Living" Programme is a special exhibition organised along the themes of "Clothing, Food, Housing and Transportation". Through a dynamic showcase of several groundbreaking engineering projects, the special exhibition illustrates how professional engineers bring convenience, comfort and a host of other benefits to our daily lives through technological and engineering excellence. Highlights of the four exhibition sections are:
In addition to the special exhibition, a series of lectures and tours on selected projects will also be offered for the public's enjoyment (Please refer to Appendix 1 for details). Topics of the lecture series include "Water: From Source to Drain", "Road Network Development", "Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in the Modern City" and "IT and Hazard Control". All lectures are presented by government officials with backgrounds in different engineering fields. Lecture participants can also apply to join engineering tours to visit the Sha Tin Water Treatment Works, Tsing Ma Control Area and Tsing Sha Control Area, MTR Kowloon Bay Depot as well as Po Shan Landslide Preventive Works - Groundwater Drainage System. These activities will enable visitors to attain a better understanding of the recent efforts by various industries to make our society a greener and more sustainable one.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
06 February 2012
「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽 "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011
(香港.2月6日)由香港工程師學會舉辦的「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽頒獎典禮於2012年2月6日假香港工程師學會總部舉行。 作為頒獎典禮的主禮嘉賓,香港特別行政區政府發展局常任秘書長(工務)韋志成工程師、太平紳士於典禮上致開幕辭並代表大會頒發獎項予得獎者。當晚共頒發了20個獎項及現金獎高達港幣一萬元。 「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽結果如下: 個人組
得獎的攝影作品將於2012年2月18日至3月28日期間於香港科學館作公開展覽。 如欲索取更多有關攝影比賽的詳情,歡迎與本會會議及項目部郭菁盈小姐聯絡。 電話 :2830 9071 傳真 :2203 4133 電郵地址 (6 February 2012, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has specially organised the "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 and a Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 6 February 2012 at the HKIE Headquarters. As the Guest of Honour, Ir WAI Chi Sing, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), the Government of the HKSAR gave an Opening Speech and presented prizes to the awardees. 20 awards with cash prizes over HK$10,000 were presented on the occasion. The results of the "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 are summarised as follows: Individual Category
Company Category
"Most Popular Engineering Photo" Award
The winning photos will also be displayed at the Hong Kong Science Museum from 18 February to 28 March 2012 in an exhibition which will be open to the public. For media enquiries on the Photo Competition, please contact: Miss Barbara KWOK - Conference and Function Officer Tel: 2830 9071 Fax: 2203 4133 Email: |
03 February 2012
「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽 頒獎典禮 "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 Prize Presentation Ceremony
(香港.2月3日)由香港工程師學會舉辦的「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽旨在提升市民對不同行業及界別的工程項目之認識,以表揚工程師對本港發展的卓越貢獻。 攝影比賽的得獎結果將於「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽頒獎典禮上公佈。頒獎典禮詳情如下︰
現誠邀 貴機構派員訪攝頒獎典禮。 此外,得獎的攝影作品將於2012年2月18日至3月28日期間於香港科學館作公開展覽。 有關攝影比賽的詳情,可瀏覽以下網址: 如欲索取更多有關攝影比賽的詳情,歡迎與本會會議及項目部郭菁盈小姐聯絡。 電話 :2830 9071 傳真 :2203 4133 電郵地址 (3 February 2012, Hong Kong) Organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 aims to enhance appreciation of engineering activities at workplaces in various trades and disciplines. The results of the Photo Competition will be announced at the Prize Presentation Ceremony with details given below:
You and / or your representatives are cordially invited to attend the Ceremony. The awarded photos will be displayed at the Hong Kong Science Museum from 18 February to 28 March 2012 in an exhibition which will be open to the public. For details of the Photo Competition, please visit the following webpage: For media enquiries on the Photo Competition, please contact: Miss Barbara KWOK – Conference and Function Officer Tel: 2830 9071 Fax: 2203 4133 Email: |