Press Releases
23 January 2013
「21世紀香港十大傑出工程項目選舉」 公開接受市民投票 與港人共同見證香港工程建設卓越成就 The Election of the Hong Kong People Engineering Wonders in the 21st Century Vote Now and Celebrate the Engineering Achievements of Hong Kong
(香港,二零一三年一月二十三日) 香港工程建設一直享譽國際,香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 現主辦「21世紀香港十大傑出工程項目選舉」,邀請全港市民一起投票,選出港人心目中的香港十大傑出工程項目。學會希望透過今次選舉活動,與市民一起見證香港於過去十年在工程建設的卓越成就,更深入認識工程專才對推動社會和經濟發展所扮演的關鍵角色,從而鼓勵年青一代投身工程專業行列,共同建設美好香港。

香港工程師學會會長蔡健權教授、工程師表示:「隨著十大基建項目近年陸續上馬,政府的基本工程開支不斷上升,香港對工程專業人才的需求大增。以工程師學會的會員人數為例,會員人數現已突破3萬大關,較2008年上升39%,同期學會的工科畢業生培訓計劃的學員人數亦有41% 的增長。特區政府於未來數年將大力加快房屋建設,需要多個專業界別的工程專才參與,香港未來必須培育更多工程專才,才能滿足社會發展的迫切需求。」

為了提升市民大眾特別是青年人對工程專業的興趣,學會主辦「21世紀香港十大傑出工程項目選舉」。候選名單內的20項傑出工程項目 (請參閱附表),由學會屬下18個分部及會員進行提名,再根據五大評選準則,包括代表性、驕人之處、對工程界或社會的貢獻、創新意念和技術,以及外觀美感,從眾多提名項目中挑選出來。


學會歡迎市民立即網上投票。參加方法非常簡單,只要登入網址,從20個候選工程項目中,點選出心目中認為最實至名歸的10個傑出工程項目,截止投票日期為2013年2月20日。今次選舉設有「獨具慧眼獎」 (公眾名額3個及學會會員名額1個) ,參加者可以考驗自己的眼光,只要成功選中得票最高之傑出工程項目的人士,即有機會參加大抽獎,獲贈豐富禮品。

「21世紀香港十大傑出工程項目選舉」是香港工程師學會主辦「卓越工程巡禮2013 - 優質創新工程 共建美好未來」的眾多活動之一。被市民投票選出的21世紀香港十大傑出工程項目,將於2013年4月假香港科學館公開展出,務求將本地工程師的精心傑作展現在大家眼前,同時讓大眾認識工程師如何運用創新理念提升人類生活質素,以及對社會未來和可持續發展的貢獻。「卓越工程巡禮2013」的其他豐富內容還包括各項比賽、講座、頒獎典禮及工程項目半日遊。有關活動詳情,請瀏覽網址

- 完 -

香港工程師學會 恒信公關國際有限公司
傳訊統籌經理張鳳宜小姐 新聞服務總監陳德成先生
傳媒熱線:6398 4599 電話︰3960 1903
電話︰2895 4446 傳真︰2827 1337
傳真︰2203 4133 電郵︰

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香港工程師學會會長蔡健權教授、工程師 (中)、「卓越工程巡禮2013」籌備委員會主席
陳志超工程師 (左) 及「21世紀香港十大傑出工程項目選舉」小組召集人何詠貞工程師 (右)

Self Photos / Files - pic_002



建築地標及旅遊景點 維港門廊 (國際金融中心二期 / 環球貿易廣場)
伯大尼 — 香港演藝學院古跡校園
改善民生項目 岩洞內建配水庫 — 港大百周年校園擴建規劃實現可持續發展
斜坡安全系統 — 延續十年防止山泥傾瀉項目
科技發展 HAESL — 邁向世界級航空發動機維修服務之十載歷程
交通基建 e-道
環境工程 建造業議會零碳天地
晨曦島可再生能源系統 — 全港首個最大型的獨立運行可再生能源系統

(Hong Kong, 23 January 2013) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) today announced the launch of the election of the Hong Kong People Engineering Wonders in the 21st Century. This unique voting campaign invites all members of the general public to cast their votes for what they see as the top 10 engineering masterpieces in Hong Kong in the past 10 years. It is expected that the campaign will inspire the local community to pause and marvel once again at the diversity, beauty and precision of these projects as well as to appreciate the critical roles engineers have played in developing the city and its economy. The HKIE also hopes the campaign will encourage the younger generation to choose engineering as a career to contribute to building a better Hong Kong.

Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, said, "We have seen continual growth in government capital works spending as the 10 major infrastructure projects have gone underway. This has stimulated demand for engineering professionals. An exponential growth of 39% since 2008 has also been seen in our membership which now exceeds 30,000. At the same time, our Graduate Scheme "A" Training intake has grown 41%. With the acceleration of government housing development plans in the coming years, there is an acute need for talents in a variety of engineering disciplines to meet the soaring demand."

The HKIE has organised the election of the Hong Kong People Engineering Wonders in the 21st Century to raise interest among Hong Kong people, particularly the younger generation, in the engineering profession. 20 projects (please refer to attached table) have been nominated by 18 Divisions and members of the HKIE. They were selected based on five main criteria, namely recognition, pride, contribution, advancement and appearance.

These 20 projects are closely related to the lives of the people of Hong Kong and cover a variety of disciplines. Some are architectural landmarks on the harbour front. Some have attracted millions of tourists and visitors. Also on the list are projects that reflect technological advancements which have contributed to the development of Hong Kong society, transportation infrastructure projects that link the different parts of the city, as well as livelihood improvement projects and environmental engineering initiatives. These outstanding projects symbolise the important and integral role that the engineering profession plays in improving the lives of people and the long-term development of the society.

To vote, members of the public can visit and pick their 10 favourite projects out of the 20 shortlisted projects. Voting closes on 20 February 2013. Apart from taking part in the selection process, participants who vote for the winning project with the highest number of votes will enjoy the chance to take home the prize of "The Hot Pick Award". Prizes will be presented to three voters from the general public and one voter from the members of the HKIE.

The election of the Hong Kong People Engineering Wonders in the 21st Century is a key event of Engineering Week 2013 - Engineer Our Future with Innovation and Excellence. The winning Engineering Wonders will be on display at the Hong Kong Science Museum in April 2013. Engineering Week 2013 aims at showcasing the engineering profession’s contributions to society as well as to highlight and recognise the innovative ideas and concepts put into action by local engineers to improve the quality of life and sustainable development in Hong Kong. In addition to the exhibition, Engineering Week 2013 will also comprise competitions, lectures, a prize presentation ceremony and engineering tours. For more information, please visit:

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For media enquiries, please contact:  
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Bentley Communications
Manager – Corporate Communications
Mr Kevin CHAN,
Press Services Director
Media hotline: 6398 4599 Tel: 3960 1903
Tel: 2895 4446 Fax: 2827 1337
Fax: 2203 4133 Email:

Voting of Engineering

Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (middle);
Ir CHAN Chi Chiu, Chairman of the Organising Committee for the Engineering Week (left)
and Ir Crystal HO, Convenor of Work Group on the Hong Kong People Engineering
Wonders in the 21st Century (right) call on the public to vote for Hong Kong’s top 10 engineering masterpieces of the 21st century.

Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
encourages the younger generation to consider engineering as a career to support
housing and infrastructure development in Hong Kong.


Appendix: List of nominees of the election of "the Hong Kong People Engineering Wonders in the 21st Century"

Architectural Landmarks and Tourist Attractions Harbour Gateway (Two IFC / ICC)
Hong Kong Disneyland
International Commerce Centre
Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car
The Béthanie, Landmark Heritage Campus of the Hong Kong
Academy for Performing Arts
The Hong Kong Wetland Park
The Peak Tower, Hong Kong
Livelihood Improvement Projects Caverning salt water service reservoirs to make way for
sustainable development of the HKU Centennial Campus
Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel
Tai Hang Tung Storage Scheme
The Slope Safety System – 10-year Extended Landslip
Preventive Measures Project
Technological Advancements HAESL – The journey to world class aero engine repair
services in the past decade
Hong Kong Science Park (Phase 1 and Phase 2)
Transportation Infrastructure e-Channels
Hong Kong – Shenzhen Western Corridor
The Stonecutters Bridge
West Rail Line, Hong Kong
Environmental Engineering CIC Zero Carbon Building
Harbour Area Treatment Scheme
Town Island Renewable Energy Supply Project – Hong Kong's
First Commercial-Scale Standalone Renewable Energy
Supply System
13 November 2012
香港工程師學會 卓越工程週 - 工程創意大獎2012/2013 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Engineering Week - The Innovation Award for the Engineering Industry 2012/2013
(香港,十一月十三日) 由香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)主辦的工程創意大獎由即日起接受提名。




電話︰2895 4446
傳真︰2577 7791

(13 November 2012, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (the HKIE) is proud to present to you The Innovation Award for the Engineering Industry 2012/2013 (the Award) which is now accepting nominations. 

The HKIE is organising the Award to pay tribute to the engineering inventors who dedicate their professionalism to improving our living quality and to introduce to the general public various brilliant innovative ideas around us. As one of the most distinguished awards in the engineering profession, it will be included in the Engineering Week to be launched in April 2013. Innovation Awards in the categories of Construction, Industrial and Technology are to be presented to winners selected by the Panel of Judges comprising leading figures in the local engineering industry. Details of the Award are available at the website at

Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen, President of the HKIE and Chairman of the Panel of Judges said, "I am always proud of the contributions in innovation of my fellow engineers. Without Ir Prof Sir Charles KAO Kuen, the best-known engineer from Hong Kong and his work on fibre optics, we would not be able to enjoy all the benefits of today's virtual world, which includes e-commerce, video conferencing and cloud computing. In modern metropolitans like Hong Kong, we are surrounded by examples of all kinds of innovation. Spans in building structures have increased, thanks to the innovative use of pre-stressing and prefabrication. Advanced structural analysis and the use of light-weight materials allow us to have spacious and aesthetic sports halls. The use of high-performance concrete has made it possible to build super-high-rises that are both strong and spacious, and new commercial buildings now feature curtain walls that have a low-e coating, which means they absorb much less heat than previous generations of curtain walls. There are also numerous outstanding innovations in other disciplines by local engineers like the "Octopus card"; "electrical car"; "green pilling system"; "underground flood alleviation scheme" and the "modular construction", just to name a few."

The Award is supported by Construction Industry Council; Development Bureau; Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd; Hong Kong Electrical Contractors’ Association Ltd; Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association Ltd; Hong Kong Green Building Council; Professional Green Building Council; The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical & Mechanical Contractors Ltd.

For media enquiries, please contact Ms Bonnie WONG, Senior Manager – Learned Society:
Tel : 2895 4446
Fax : 2577 7791
Email :
14 September 2012
香港工程師學會 工程創新建未來 專業卓越跨世代 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers "Engineer our Future with Innovation and Excellence"
(香港,九月十四日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)會長蔡健權教授、工程師於今天舉行的傳媒午餐聚會上介紹學會本年度的方向。


蔡會長表示為了加強公眾及學生對工程專業的認識,學會將於明年四月期間,舉辦為期一週的活動,活動名稱暫定為「工程週」"Engineering Week",當中包括比賽、講座、展覽、參觀活動及頒獎禮等,希望藉此讓市民及學生認識到工程師的工作,並使他們更了解工程專業及學會,從而激發年輕一代的學生對工程學的興趣,鼓勵他們將來投身工程專業。


傳媒熱線:6398 4599
電話︰2895 4446
傳真︰2203 4133


(14 September 2012, Hong Kong) President Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen is pleased to announce the new initiatives of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in enhancing the visibility of the engineering profession at the media luncheon today. 

"Engineer our Future with Innovation and Excellence" will be the theme of the Institution for the year ahead. "The Institution has two important leadership roles to play. We provide a forum for engineers of various disciplines to bounce their ideas off others and to have those thoughts challenged and validated. We also put efforts to build awareness and educate the public and involve them in the innovation process by organising activities to business, community and government stakeholders." Ir Prof Choy highlighted in the welcoming remarks.

Ir Prof Choy remarked that a one-week large-scale publicity programme tentatively named "Engineering Week" was initially scheduled to be held in April 2013 wherein competitions, distinguished lectures, exhibition, technical visits and award presentation ceremony will be organised to promote the engineering profession and the Institution to the secondary/tertiary students and the general public. It was planned that the programme could arouse the interest of the younger generation in engineering profession and encourage them to choose engineering as their careers.

As part of the HKIE's commitment to nourish young engineers, the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme (PPS) is continued this year. These young engineers will shadow the President to attend significant events and observe how a senior figure in the industry operates in the year to come. Ir Prof Choy took the occasion to introduce the newly selected young members to the media during the luncheon. Ir Prof Choy highlighted, "Through the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme, the Institution can nurture these enthusiastic young engineers in the engineering profession, and in return, they will contribute more for the benefit and advancement of the society." 

For media enquiries, please contact Ms Sara Cheung, Manager – Corporate Communications: 
Media hotline : 6398 4599
Tel : 2895 4446
Fax : 2203 4133
Email :

Biographies of the HKIE President’s Protégés 2012/2013
22 June 2012
香港工程師學會新任會長蔡健權教授、工程師 工程創新建未來 專業卓越跨世代 Newly Installed HKIE President Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen Engineer our Future with Innovation and Excellence
(香港,2012年6月22日) 香港工程師學會(學會)欣然公布蔡健權教授、工程師於2012年6月21日舉行的第37屆會員周年大會上榮任第38屆會長。陳福祥工程師則任期屆滿,成為上任會長。





電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2203 4133

1. 蔡健權教授、工程師的簡歷
2. 二零一二至二零一三年度理事會名單

(Hong Kong, 22 June 2012) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (The HKIE) is pleased to announce the installation of Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen as the 38th President for Session 2012/2013 at The HKIE 37th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 21 June 2012. Ir Chan Fuk-cheung has become the Immediate Past President.

Ir Prof Choy, the newly installed President, is dedicated to working hand in hand with members to achieve their common goals for the benefit and advancement of the Institution and the community.

Ir Prof Choy highlighted that Engineer our Future with Innovation and Excellence will be the theme for the Institution for the year ahead. He emphasised that the Institution has two important leadership roles to play. "We provide a forum for engineers of various disciplines to bounce their ideas off others and to have those thoughts challenged and validated. We also put efforts to build awareness and educate the public and involve them in the innovation process by organising activities to business, community and government stakeholders. As the gatekeeper for quality control in the profession, the Institution continues its dedication to maintaining the quality of our membership admission." Ir Prof Choy remarked.

With his extensive professional experience, strong commitment and enthusiasm in serving the profession, Ir Prof Choy is well positioned in representing and leading the HKIE to sustain excellence, particularly in the context of innovation, to enable the engineering profession to meet the challenges ahead and to consolidate the development of the profession as well as the Institution in his term of presidency.

The AGM also announced that Ir Raymond K S Chan and Ir Victor C K Cheung were successfully re-elected as the Vice Presidents and Ir Chan Chi-chiu was elected the new Vice President in this Session. The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir Martin K K Cheung, Ir Stephen W K Chik, Ir Choi Chun-ming, Ir Wan Chi-tin and Ir Ying Lee-wai. Please refer to the attached full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2012/2013.

For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446/ 6398 4599
Fax : 2203 4133
Email :

1. Biography of Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen
2. Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2012/2013

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Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen, the newly installed President of the HKIE

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Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen (right), the newly installed President of the HKIE and Ir Chan Fuk-cheung (left), the Immediate Past President

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Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen delivering his speech after the installation

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The 37th Annual General Meeting of the HKIE
16 March 2012
香港工程師學會頒發三項工程界的殊榮予傑出工程師 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Conferred Three Engineering Awards to Outstanding Engineers
(香港.3月16日) 香港工程師學會於2012年3月13日所舉行的第37屆周年晚宴中,頒發了3項工程界的殊榮。朱琰光工程師獲學會頒發「會長特設成就獎」;陳禧棪工程師獲頒本年度「傑出青年工程師獎」;至於第五年舉辦的「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎」,則由鄧紹祥工程師在獎項之組別II奪得。






他對建築工程的工料測量亦有豐富經驗。在香港測量師學會《香港建築工程標準計量方法 (HKSMM4) 第四版》編寫委員會的屋宇裝備工程組中,代表政府提供專業意見。該版已於2006年成功發行。

朱工程師致力於香港工程師學會的活動。他在 1986年加入電機分部,擔任助理名譽秘書一職。其後成為該分部委員。在超過 20 年的服務中,他為電機分部組織了很多不同的活動,包括技術講座、專題研討會、國際會議、學校比賽、以至內地和海外的技術考察等。他在協調相關人事以使活動順利組織和推動方面,扮演關鍵角色。過去多年,他是分部的名譽司庫,亦是年度研討會的名譽秘書。他是論文《成功組織會議和研討會的路線圖》的作者之一。該論文於 2003年在國際電機工程會議發表,以分享他對該題目多年來的心得。











為鼓勵學會青年會員透過創新應用工程知識以發揮創意,喚起他們於知性和工作方面對工程的興趣,學會第五度舉辦「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎2012」,並得到已故會員歐陽國盛工程師家人贊助是次活動。參賽作品必須屬於學會專業界別的範疇,設計的原創性及創意均為主要評審準則。比賽分兩個組別,包括組別I — 發明,以及組別II — 創新應用。本年度的大獎得主為組別II之鄧紹祥工程師。

組別II — 創新應用

使用嶄新光纖傳感器技術監測鐵路列車動態性能 - 鄧紹祥工程師





如有查詢,請與香港工程師學會傳訊統籌部聯絡。電話︰2895 4446; 傳真︰2203 4133; 電郵︰

(16 March 2012, Hong Kong) Three engineering awards, organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, have been presented at the 37th Annual Dinner of the Institution which was successfully held on 13 March 2012. “The President’s Award 2012” was conferred on Ir Chu Yim-kwong, the “Young Engineer of the Year Award 2012” was presented to Ir Leo H Y Chan, and the “HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2012” went to Ir Simon S C Tang of Category II.

The President's Award 2012

In recognition of the dedicated and valuable service of the member of any class who has served the Institution with distinctive achievements, the President’s Award has been set up by the Institution. This year, Ir Chu Yim-kwong receives the honour of the President’s Award.

Ir Chu Yim-kwong obtained a Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1981 and a BSc (Eng) (first class honour) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 1983. He was also conferred a Master Degree in Public Administration by the University of Hong Kong in 2000.

Following completion of Scheme “A” training at the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department in 1985, Ir Chu was seconded to the Architectural Services Department to start his professional career as an Assistant Building Services Engineer. He is currently a Senior Building Services Engineer in the same department.

Ir Chu has in-depth experience in both electrical and building services engineering gleaned from the design and management of a diverse range of building projects and the provision of professional technical advice to government subvented projects.

Ir Chu is also proficient in quantity surveying for building services. He was the government representative in the Building Services (BS) Working Group of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) to provide professional advice on BS parts of the 4th Edition of Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement (HKSMM4) of Building Works, which was successfully launched in 2006.

Ir Chu is strongly committed to institutional activities. In 1986, he served as the Assistant Honorary Secretary of the HKIE Electrical Division, where he later became a Committee Member. In more than 20 years of service to the Division, Ir Chu has been pivotal in the organisation of many technical talks, symposiums, international conferences, school project competitions and Mainland and overseas technical visits. He was the Honorary Secretary of the annual symposiums as well as the Division’s Honorary Treasurer. He shared his insight in a paper he co-authored, entitled “Road Map for Success in Organising Conference and Symposium”, which was submitted to the International Conference of Electrical Engineering in 2003.

Ir Chu was a key member of the editorial team for "EE筆寫", a book in Chinese written to arouse the public’s interest in electrical engineering. It was the first of its kind to be published by the Electrical Division.

Besides learned society functions, Ir Chu is also a member of the Electrical Discipline Advisory Panel, of which he had been the Honorary Secretary for years. In addition, Ir Chu was a member of the Training Review Sub-committee – Group II and a member of the team that accredits Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education courses.

Young Engineer of the Year Award 2012

In line with the overwhelming response of the Young Engineer of the Year Award in previous years, the HKIE is pleased to organise the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2012. It was glad that all candidates have had significant contributions and outstanding achievements to the profession, to the community of Hong Kong and to the HKIE. The selection process has been competitive, hence the decision on the selection has never been easy for the Panel of Judges. This year, the Award goes to Ir Leo H Y Chan.

Ir Leo Chan has a BASc in Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia and an MBA from the University of Bradford. He is now pursuing a Master Degree in Public Administration from the University of Hong Kong.

Although an information engineer by training, this diverse mix of educational background in engineering, commerce and social sciences has allowed Ir Chan to think strategically when handling technical, financial and political issues as part of his engineering management duties at the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). Ir Chan has also utilised his knowledge of information engineering at work, one example being his introduction of a centralised client database system, which won the EMSD Best Improvement Project Competition 2011.

Ir Chan is committed to serving the HKIE and the community. He was the Chairman of the HKIE Young Members Committee (2009/2010) and is now serving as the Honorary Treasurer of the HKIE Information Technology Division. As a Grand Leadership Award winner for three consecutive years under the HKIE Volunteers Service Accreditation Programme, Ir Chan has organised many learned society functions to foster connection with both local and overseas young professionals. Countries like Brazil, Canada, Japan, Singapore and the UK as well as Mainland cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Wuhan and Zhengzhou are just some of the destinations he has visited on behalf of the Institution in the last five years. 

Ir Chan is a volunteer of the Development Bureau’s Sichuan Reconstruction Team, Honorary Secretary of the Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers and Council Member of the EMSD’s Association of Professional Engineers. He is also a mentor for the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong and an organising committee member of the Vocational Training Council Construction Discovery Challenge Programme.

This year, Ir Johnson K C Lee was also presented the Certificate of Merit. 

The HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2012

With an aim to encourage our young members to develop their creativity through innovative application of engineering knowledge, and to inspire upon them to develop their intellectual and career interests in engineering, the Institution is pleased to launch the HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members at 2008, a new initiative with the generous support of the family of the late Ir Kenneth Au-yeung. The entry can focus on any areas of engineering disciplines within the context of the HKIE. There are two main categories, namely Category I - An Invention and Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories. The innovativeness of the Design will be assessed based on its originality and creativity. This year, the Grand Prize of Category II goes to Ir Simon S C Tang.

Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories

Innovative Application of Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) Technology in Train Dynamic Performance Monitoring by Ir Simon S C Tang

Conventional monitoring of train dynamic performance using electric sensors suffers from complicated and costly instrumentation and is also labour-intensive. The conventional method is consequently not a user-friendly solution for continuous train dynamic performance monitoring. Although enormous effort has been put into researching an alternative, there has been no breakthrough until the development of this fibre bragg grating (FBG) system.

The track-based FBG system enables fully automatic and continuous monitoring of train ride comfort and wheel load balance in a cost-effective manner that cannot be achieved with the conventional method. This FBG system is now installed on the MTR network and has effectively facilitated continuous monitoring of train performance and the scheduling of maintenance works. By saving cost and improving service quality, the system has brought benefits to the rail operator as well as the public. 

Ir Simon Tang received his BEng (first class honour) in Electrical Energy Systems Engineering and MSc (distinction) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from the University of Hong Kong. He has worked in rolling stock design, project and maintenance since his graduation in 1999 and is currently the Depot Engineer for the Rolling Stock Maintenance Department of MTR Corporation.

This year, Certificate of Merit of Category I was presented to Ir Paul W F Li, and Certificates of Merit of Category II were presented to Ir Ken H Y Lui, Ir Sum Kin-fat, Mr Ma Chi-wai and Mr Sham Chi-ming.

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