Press Releases
24 June 2013
香港工程師學會出版「樓宇保養維修指南」 舊樓業主定期維修 消除六大安全危機 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Publishes "Handbook on Building Maintenance and Repair" Regular Building Maintenance Encouraged to Eliminate Top Six Potential Safety Hazards

(香港,二零一三年六月二十四日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 一直關注舊樓失修問題嚴重,對市民安全以至整體社會造成的不利影響。現時香港舊樓常見的六大安全危機,主要包括樓宇結構殘舊、電力裝置老化、消防系統欠佳、供水及排水系統過時、通風裝置故障及其他安全危機 (詳情請參閱附件一)。


樓宇失修是香港存在已久的問題。現時全港30年以上樓齡的私人樓宇有接近20,000 幢,其中超過3,000幢更有50年以上樓齡,而且數目每年不斷增加。舊樓缺乏妥善的保養維修,石屎剝落及窗框墮街等事件經常發生,不但影響大廈住客,對市民大眾安全更會構成嚴重威脅。







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香港工程師學會 恒信公關國際有限公司
傳訊統籌經理張鳳宜小姐 高級新聞主任利建邦先生
傳媒熱線:6398 4599 電話︰3960 1905
電話︰2895 4446 傳真︰2827 1337
傳真︰2203 4133 電郵:


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香港工程師學會會長蔡健權教授、工程師 (左)、民政事務總署助理署長郭偉勳
先生 (中) 及「樓宇保養維修指南」指導委員會主席黃耀新工程師 (右)

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附件一: 香港舊樓常見六大安全危機

(Hong Kong, 24 June 2013) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has been concerned about the problem of building neglect which poses a threat to the safety and welfare of residents and the public at large. The six safety hazards commonly found in ageing buildings include dilapidated physical condition of the building structures, obsolete electrical facilities, substandard fire services installations, outmoded water supply and drainage systems, defective ventilation systems and other safety hazards. (Please refer to Appendix 1 for details).

To raise the awareness of building safety among owners, the HKIE has published a Handbook entitled "香港工程師學會公眾安全系列指南:樓宇保養維修"(Handbook on Building Maintenance and Repair). The booklet provides a comprehensive picture of the common defects found in ageing buildings and steps that owners can take to inspect their buildings and to conduct relevant repair work. In addition to enhancing knowledge of building safety among owners, the HKIE hopes to encourage them to carry out inspection and repair work for ageing buildings at an early stage to minimise safety hazards.

Building neglect is a long-standing problem in Hong Kong. There are around 20,000 private buildings aged over 30 years in Hong Kong, 3,000 of which are over 50 years old. The problem is worsening as the number of ageing buildings increases every year. There are many incidents of concrete spalling and window frame failure. The presence of ageing buildings which lack proper care and maintenance poses potential threats to residents and the public at large.

Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen, President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, said, "The increase in the number of ageing building in Hong Kong has always been a top concern of the HKIE. This long-standing issue has not been resolved as the majority of building owners continues to ignore the importance of proper maintenance. The HKIE supports the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) implemented by the government last year. By legally enforcing maintenance standards, building owners will be compelled to confront and address the safety issues of their buildings. It should be noted that many technical aspects need to be taken into consideration in the repair of ageing buildings. In addition to building structures, electricity, fire services, water supply and drainage, as well as ventilation must be assessed. The scope covered extends far beyond the MBIS regulation. Building owners need to have a thorough understanding of the comprehensiveness of building maintenance and repair.

"Prevention is better than cure. Building owners are advised to appoint a Registered Inspector to inspect their buildings regularly to identify problems at an early stage and to carry out remedial work in a timely manner. Proper maintenance will not only help to provide a better environment for the tenants, it will also save repair costs in long term. In view of this, the HKIE has published the 'Handbook on Building Maintenance and Repair' to give building owners better knowledge of the relevant issues involved in building maintenance and repair. The publication will facilitate the process of building repair works to ensure construction repairs are completed efficiently, effectively and to high standards,"said Ir Prof CHOY.

The new 'Handbook on Building Maintenance and Repair' covers eight important areas of building management and repair in a lively way. These include building structures, window structures, electrical systems, fire service installations, air-conditioning and ventilation systems, lift and escalator installations, town gas and LPG systems as well as water supply and drainage systems. It also provides practical tips on issues that need to be addressed during the process of building inspection and repair. The Handbook will be available for collection at District Offices starting mid August. The electronic version can be downloaded at the HKIE's website at

The Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme was implemented by the government in June 2012. Under the MBIS, owners of buildings aged 30 years or above are required to appoint a Registered Inspector to carry out the prescribed inspection and to supervise the prescribed repair works found necessary in the common areas, external walls and projections or signboards of the buildings once every 10 years. At the end of May 2013, a total of 126 engineers were listed in the Inspectors' Register.

The HKIE has observed that building owners of the 2,000 buildings targeted for inspection in the first year encountered a number of difficulties. For instance, many of these ageing buildings were not managed by an Owners' Corporation as the building owners had never formed one. The lack of a functioning Owners' Corporation made it difficult to coordinate among owners. Additionally, many owners did not know how to comply with the requirements of MBIS, such as the appointment of Registered Inspectors. Financial difficulty was also a common issue, as was the identification of Unauthorised Building Works.

Ir Prof CHOY said, "We hope that the HKIE's 'Handbook on Building Maintenance and Repair' will help owners clearly understand the role of professional engineers in building maintenance and repair. We need to tackle the problem of building neglect now. Going forward, the HKIE will allocate more resources in promoting building safety to create a better living environment for Hong Kong people."

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For media enquiries, please contact:  
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Bentley Communications
Manager – Corporate Communications
Mr Ian LI
Senior Press Officer
Media hotline: 6398 4599 Tel: 3960 1905
Tel: 2895 4446 Fax: 2827 1337
Fax: 2203 4133 Email:


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Ir Prof CHOY Kin Kuen, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
(left); Mr Franco KWOK, JP, Assistant Director of Home Affairs (mid)
and Ir Peter Y WONG, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the HKIE Handbook (right), jointly introduced the "Handbook on Building Maintenance and Repair" published by the HKIE.

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Ir Peter Y WONG, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the HKIE Handbook highlighted the six safety hazards commonly found in ageing buildings.

Appendix 1: Six Safety Hazards Commonly Found in Ageing Buildings

18 March 2013
香港工程師學會頒發四項工程界的殊榮予傑出工程師 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Conferred Four Engineering Awards to Outstanding Engineers

(香港.3月18日) 香港工程師學會於2013年3月12日所舉行的第38屆周年晚宴中,頒發了4項工程界的殊榮。詹伯樂工程師獲學會頒發「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎」;關育材工程師獲學會選為「名譽資深會員」;卓子然博士、工程師獲頒本年度「傑出青年工程師獎」;至於第六年舉辦的「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎」,則分別由張偉陽先生及工程師William Loasby奪得。








詹工程師對建造安全充滿熱誠,一直致力驅使業界採用安全措施。因此,他在2007年獲明建會頒予Lifetime Achievement Award for Safety。






關工程師多年來致力推動香港燃氣工業之發展,他對工程界的貢獻,在業內備受尊崇。1989年,他不但在香港工程師學會成立了燃氣界別和燃氣及能源分部,更擔任該分部的創會主席。1996年,他對創立英國氣體工程師學會遠東分會亦貢獻良多。他於2000-2001年出任該會會長 — 首位海外華人被推選為英國註冊專業團體會長。關工程師在2004-2005年擔任香港工程師學會會長,並在2010年獲香港工程師學會頒發工程界翹楚之榮譽,以表揚他傑出的成就及對學會、工程界及社會非凡的貢獻。






卓博士、工程師現為艾奕康有限公司之首席工程師,曾參與多項公營部門或私營機構的岩土工程項目。憑著他在岩土力學上的專業知識,卓博士、工程師主要從事技術要求較高的項目。其中一個例子是為土木工程拓展署轄下的土力工程處進行泥釘在鬆散填土斜坡的效能作研究。卓博士、工程師至今發表了超過五十篇技術文章,並贏得多項國際大獎,包括東南亞大地工程學會之Tan Swan Beng最佳論文獎,加拿大岩土工程學會之R.M.Quigley榮譽獎及英國岩土工程學會勳章。





為鼓勵學會青年會員透過創新應用工程知識以發揮創意,喚起他們於知性和工作方面對工程的興趣,學會第六度舉辦「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎2013」,並得到已故會員歐陽國盛工程師家人贊助是次活動。參賽作品必須屬於學會專業界別的範疇,設計的原創性及創意均為主要評審準則。比賽分兩個組別,包括組別I — 發明,以及組別II — 創新應用。本年度的大獎得主為張偉陽先生(組別I) 及工程師William Loasby (組別II)。

組別I — 發明

管道不圓度量度工具 — 張偉陽先生




組別II — 創新應用

以創新引證方法重用歷史建築的結構 — 工程師William LOASBY



工程師William Loasby在2003年畢業於牛津大學,在英國和澳洲完成專業培訓。他在2009年取得香港大學結構工程碩士學位後加入奧雅納,目前負責中區警署項目的設計工作。


如有查詢,請與香港工程師學會傳訊統籌部聯絡。電話︰2895 4446; 傳真︰2203 4133; 電郵︰

(18 March 2013, Hong Kong) Four engineering awards, organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, have been presented at the 38th Annual Dinner of the Institution which was successfully held on 12 March 2013. The "HKIE Gold Medal Award 2013" was conferred on Ir James Blake, Ir James Kwan received the honour of the "HKIE Honorary Fellow 2013", the "Young Engineer of the Year Award 2013" was presented to Ir Dr Johnny C Y Cheuk, and the "HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2013" went to Mr Cheung Wai Yeung and Ir William Loasby.

The HKIE Gold Medal Award 2013

Ir James Blake was the winner of the HKIE Gold Medal Award this year. The selection criteria were precise and rigorous. The Panel of Judges considered all candidates' achievements as well as their contributions to the profession and to the community. The most distinguished person was selected for the Award in recognition for his commendable achievement.

Ir James Blake is a civil and structural engineer with over 50 years of experience in the field.

Born in the UK, Ir Blake came to Hong Kong in 1965 and built a distinguished career in infrastructure works. Appointed Secretary for Works in 1991, he was responsible for overall coordination of the HK$165 billion Airport Core Programme, which included a new international airport, new roads and railway that marked Hong Kong's transformation into a world-class city. He also played a critical role in securing a stable water supply for Hong Kong through negotiations with his Mainland counterparts, establishing the city's sewage treatment objectives and overseeing the extension of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

As Senior Director, Capital Projects, for the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) from 1997 to 2004, Ir Blake was responsible for supervising the implementation of the corporation's HK$70 billion railway expansion programme, which included West Rail and the East Rail Extensions. He was appointed KCRC's Chief Executive Officer in 2006 and later became its Chief Officer until 2012.

His outstanding achievement is recognised worldwide.

Ir Blake was President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in 1991-1992 and President of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of South East Asia Pacific in 1998. He was Chairman of the Hong Kong Club in 2005 and is currently Vice President of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health.

Ir Blake has a passion for construction safety and has driven the adoption of safety initiatives throughout his career. For this he was awarded the Lighthouse Club Lifetime Achievement Award for Safety in 2007.

Ir Blake was elected as the HKIE Honorary Fellow in 2007. He was also awarded the Institution of Civil Engineers Gold Medal in 1997 and last year was presented with the Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS) by the HKSAR Government for his distinguished public and community service.

The HKIE Honorary Fellow 2013

Honorary Fellow may be elected each year from those who, by reason of their special services either to the Institution, to engineering generally, or by virtue of their occupying distinguished positions in science or industry, merit such recognition. This year, Ir James Kwan receives the honour of the HKIE Honorary Fellow.

Ir James Kwan graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1973 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He obtained an MBA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1982 and is also a graduate of Harvard University's Advanced Management Programme.

Ir Kwan joined the Engineering Division of the Hong Kong & China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) in 1975, where he was promoted to General Manager – Engineering in October 1989. He was appointed to the Board in January 1997 and became Director & General Manager – Marketing & Customer Service in May 1997. In January 2003, he was appointed the company's Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, in which position he remained until his recent retirement.

Ir Kwan is a distinguished engineer who is widely recognised for his contributions to the development of the gas industry in Hong Kong. He was instrumental in the formation in 1989 of the Gas Discipline and Gas & Energy Division of the HKIE, becoming the Chairman of the inaugural Division Committee. He also played a critical role in the founding of the Far East District Section of the Institution of Gas Engineers (IGasE) in 1996. He was IGasE President in 2000-2001 – making history in the process as the first overseas member as well as the first Chinese to be elected President of a UK chartered professional institution. He was elected HKIE President in 2004-2005 and inducted into the HKIE Hall of Fame 2010, in recognition of his outstanding achievements and exemplary contributions to the Institution, the engineering profession and the wider community.

Ir Kwan is currently a member of the Vocational Training Council, Transport Advisory Committee, the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service of the HKSAR Government, Construction Industry Council, the Governing Council of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, General Committee and Chairman's Committee of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Q-Mark Council.

Ir Kwan also serves on various advisory committees of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University, and is an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Building Services Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was conferred an Honorary Fellowship by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2011.

Young Engineer of the Year Award 2013

In line with the overwhelming response of the Young Engineer of the Year Award in previous years, the HKIE is pleased to organise the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2013. It was glad that all candidates have had significant contributions and outstanding achievements to the profession, to the community of Hong Kong and to the HKIE. The selection process has been competitive, hence the decision on the selection has never been easy for the Panel of Judges. This year, the Award goes to Ir Dr Johnny C Y Cheuk.

Ir Dr Johnny Cheuk received his BEng (Civil and Structural Engineering) and MPhil (Civil Engineering) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1999 and 2001 respectively. He also obtained a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2005.

As an Associate of AECOM, Ir Dr Cheuk handles a wide spectrum of geotechnical projects for public and private clients. Given his expertise in geotechnics, Ir Dr Cheuk is often engaged in technically demanding projects. A good example is the study on the performance of soil nails in loose fill slopes which was conducted for the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD). Being an advocate of geotechnical engineering, Ir Dr Cheuk has published over 50 technical articles and won numerous international awards, including the Tan Swan Beng Best Paper Award of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society, R.M. Quigley Honourable Mention of the Canadian Geotechnical Society and the British Geotechnical Association (BGA) Medal.

Ir Dr Cheuk is committed to serving the HKIE and the community. He is a Committee Member of the HKIE Geotechnical Division, an Associate Editor of HKIE Transactions, a HKIE School Ambassador. He also serves on a number of working groups, task forces and external boards. In addition, Ir Dr Cheuk has organised many local and international seminars and conferences for promoting the exchange of technical knowledge and new ideas, and has also served on the international advisory committee for a number of international conferences.
Eager to promote technical excellence in engineering, Ir Dr Cheuk is actively involved in industry-university collaborations. He has been involved in part-time research supervision and has also taught at various local universities since graduation, and is now an Adjunct Associate Professor in the University of Hong Kong's Department of Civil Engineering.

This year, Ir Iman W M Lai was also presented the Certificate of Merit.

The HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2013

With an aim to encourage our young members to develop their creativity through innovative application of engineering knowledge, and to inspire upon them to develop their intellectual and career interests in engineering, the Institution is pleased to launch the HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members at 2008, a new initiative with the generous support of the family of the late Ir Kenneth Au-yeung. The entry can focus on any areas of engineering disciplines within the context of the HKIE. There are two main categories, namely Category I - An Invention and Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories. The innovativeness of the Design will be assessed based on its originality and creativity. This year, the two Grand Prizes go to Mr Cheung Wai Yeung (Category I) and Ir William Loasby (Category II).

Category I - An Invention

Pipe Ovality Measuring Tool by Mr CHEUNG Wai Yeung

Measuring the ovality of a polyethylene (PE) pipe is always a challenge when making electrofusion joints on site. Ovality, which is taken as the difference between the maximum and minimum outer diameters in the same cross section of a pipe, is known as one of the factors that affect the quality of an electrofusion joint. Traditionally, a vernier caliper is used to determine pipe ovality, but this is generally not practical or feasible on site as the tool is too large to handle and it is very difficult to locate the maxima and minima of the pipe diameter, especially when measuring larger-sized pipes.

The Pipe Ovality Measuring Tool enables jointers to quickly locate the maxima and minima of the pipe diameter and determine pipe ovality on site, thus allowing them to verify whether a pipe is suitable for making joints or not. This tool has been used by the underground network teams of the Hong Kong & China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) to promote the quality of PE electrofusion joints, thus enhancing public safety.

Mr Cheung Wai Yeung received his BEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 2009. He is currently an Assistant Engineer in the Technical Development Section of Towngas and is responsible for tool design and development.

Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories

Innovative Approach to Justifying Historical Building Structures for Adaptive Reuse by Ir William LOASBY

Before an historical building is adapted for reuse, the structural engineer must establish the load that it can carry safely. The statistical approach overcomes the limits of traditional code-based approaches by establishing true material properties through comprehensive material testing and statistical analysis, carefully designed to minimise the impact of adaptation on the historical fabric.

This innovative approach has been applied to the revitalisation of Central Police Station, one of the largest heritage sites in Hong Kong. The approach has resulted in significant cost savings and set a benchmark for future conservation projects.

Ir William Loasby has worked for Arup since completing a Master's degree in Structural Engineering at the University of Hong Kong in 2009. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 2003 and completed his professional training in the UK and Australia. He is currently based at Central Police Station where he leads the design liaison team.

This year, Certificate of Merit of Category I was presented to Ir Dr Ng Pui Lam, and Certificates of Merit of Category II were presented to Mr Leung Wai Ho and Ir Kam Wing Chi Gigi.

For enquiries, please contact the Corporate Communications Section at Tel: 2895 4446, Fax: 2203 4133 or Email:

04 March 2013
(三月四日,香港) 對於財政司司長於二月二十七日發表的《二零一三至一四財政年度政府財政預算案》,香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)有以下意見:








傳媒熱線:6398 4599
電話傳真︰2203 4133
18 February 2013
回應《二零一三年施政報告》 Joint Response to Policy Address 2013


• 我們歡迎行政長官 2013 年施政報告,我們支持報告提出的房屋及土地供應,及環保和保育的政策。我們希望政府可以投放足夠資源,並克服在政策執行時遇到的障礙及其他阻力。

• 我們建議政府需要制訂一套結合長遠經濟及產業發展策略和人口政策的整體發展藍圖。

• 我們支持在維港外填海,為香港作長遠土地儲備,但填海工程需要平衡工程和環境生態的問題。

• 我們要求新發展區開發要具備策略性規劃,以建立充份協調和可持續的發展。

• 我們同意政府制訂長遠房屋供應計劃。我們要求政府積極增加「可負擔的房屋」的供應,以填補公共房屋與一般私人住宅的空隙。

• 我們認為「政府、機構或社區」用地改劃為住宅用地,政府需要謹慎進行以確保日後社區用地需要和城市空間及市民生活質素。

• 我們建議就土地及房屋發展,政府需要簡化及加速審批程序。

• 我們贊成增加倡議優化環境的政策,改善公共空間、街道和有特色的城市空間、並改善市區內的行人環境。



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Press Release
29 January 2013

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design

Joint Response to Policy Address 2013

• We welcome the Chief Executive's Policy Address 2013. We support the measures proposed for housing and land supply and environmental protection and conservation in the Policy Address. We hope the Government can put in necessary resources and overcome the administrative hurdles and other resistance.

• We recommend the Government to draw up a holistic development blue print to integrate economic and industrial development strategies and population policies for the future of Hong Kong.

• We support reclamation outside Victoria Harbour to provide long term land reserves for Hong Kong subject to careful balance of environmental issues.

• We advocate a strategic planning approach in the new development areas to achieve coherent and sustainable new development.

• We agree with the long term planning for the provision for housing. We suggest the Government to proactively increase the provision of affordable housing to bridge the gap between public and private housing.

• We consider that Government should be cautious in changing GIC sites to residential use, such that the future need of GIC sites, the quality of urban space and the quality of life are not compromised.

• We propose the Government to simplify and to expedite the approval process with regards to land and housing development.

• We concur with the environmental proposals to include promotion of the betterment of our public realm, improving public space, streets and quality urban places related to the pedestrian environment.

Contact Us 聯絡我們      
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects    
19/F One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. T : 2511 6323 F : 2519 6011 E :
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers    
9/F Island Beverley, No. 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong T : 2895 4466 F : 2577 7791 E : hkie‐
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects http://    
P.O. BOX 20561, Johnston Road Post Office, Wanchai, Hong Kong T : 2896 2833 F : 2896 3938 E :
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners    
Room 804, Stanhope House, 734‐738, King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong T : 2915 6212 F : 2915 7616 E :
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors    
Room 1205, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong T : 2526 3679 F : 2868 4612 E :
The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design    
Suite 2207‐09, 22/F, Tower Two Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong T : 2530 8135 F : 2530 8100 E :
25 January 2013

(一月二十五日,香港) 對於行政長官於一月十六日發表的《二零一三年施政報告》,香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)有以下意見:







傳媒熱線:6398 4599
電話︰2895 4446
傳真︰2203 4133

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