Press Releases
14 April 2014
香港工程師學會網頁獲頒2013-14年度「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」金獎 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Conferred the Gold Award of the 2013-14 Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme
(香港,2014年4月14日) 香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」) 網頁 獲頒2013-14年度「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」金獎,藉以表揚學會在建立無障礙網頁方面的努力及成就。計劃由政府資訊科技總監辦公室和平等機會委員會合辦,頒獎典禮於今天(2014年4月14日)舉行,由香港工程師學會會長陳健碩工程師代表接受獎項,學會很榮幸能成為首批獲頒金獎的其中一個專業團體。



Self Photos / Files - 20140414_pic_1
政府資訊科技總監賴錫璋先生, BBS, JP頒發2013-14年度「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」金獎予

電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2203 4133

(14 April 2014, Hong Kong) In recognition of the efforts and accomplishments of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) to adopt accessibility design in the website, the HKIE has been conferred the Gold Award of the 2013-14 Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme co-organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and the Equal Opportunities Commission. President Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek received the award on behalf of the Institution at the Award Presentation Ceremony held today (14 April 2014). The HKIE is proud to become one of the first few professional bodies to receive the Gold Award.

With an aim to catering for the needs of different community groups, enabling them to obtain information easily and use online services, as well as to contributing to a digitally inclusive society, the HKIE adopted web accessibility last year and was conferred the Silver Award. Taking its efforts a notch further, the HKIE has won the Gold Award this year.

Applicants of the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme were subject to stringent assessment. The Gold Award winners were required to meet all 14 judging criteria under Silver Category to provide basic web accessibility features and meet all 10 judging criteria under Gold Category for better accessibility. For details about the scheme, please refer to the OGCIO’s website at:

Self Photos / Files - 20140414_pic_1
President Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek (Left) of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers receiving the Gold Award of the 2013-14 Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme from the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Daniel Lai, BBS, JP

For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446/ 6398 4599
Fax : 2203 4133
Email :


21 March 2014
香港工程師學會頒發四項工程界的殊榮予傑出工程師 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Conferred Four Engineering Awards to Outstanding Engineers
(香港.3月21日) 香港工程師學會於2014年3月18日所舉行的第39屆周年晚宴中,頒發了4項工程界的殊榮。陳嘉正博士、工程師獲學會頒發「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎」;陳普森先生獲學會頒發「會長特設成就獎」;蘇文傑工程師獲頒本年度「傑出青年工程師獎」;至於第七年舉辦的「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎」,則分別由蘇文傑工程師、梁思正工程師及彭啟輝先生奪得。



陳嘉正博士、工程師在國際土木、岩土及跨界別工程專業擁有逾40年的豐富經驗。現任奧雅納工程顧問 (Arup) 集團環球副主席,負責集團策略性業務的發展。此前,他是奧雅納東亞區及香港公司主席。

多年來陳博士、工程師設計並帶領團隊打造了許多地標性建築及重大基建項目,獲得一系列專業奬項的肯定,其中包括香港滙豐銀行大廈、國際金融中心和環球貿易廣場,北京2008年奧運會場館 [鳥巢]、[水立方],和央視大廈,廣州塔等。此外,他還參與及領導過多個重大的基建項目,包括生態城市規劃、交通和能源項目,對香港、中國大陸及亞太地區的城市發展作出重要貢獻。






















為鼓勵學會青年會員透過創新應用工程知識以發揮創意,喚起他們對工程知識和工作方面的興趣,學會第七度舉辦「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎2014」,並得到已故會員歐陽國盛工程師家人贊助是次活動。參賽作品必須屬於學會專業界別的範疇,設計的原創性及創意均為主要評審準則。比賽分兩個組別,包括組別I — 發明,以及組別II — 創新應用。本年度的大獎得主為蘇文傑工程師 (組別I) 、梁思正工程師和彭啟輝先生 (組別II)。

組別I — 發明

一套應用於皮膚上之專利嶄新非輻射性光學影像系統 — 蘇文傑工程師




組別II — 創新應用

VSENSOR - 微型列車震動監察儀器,具有智能分析技術 — 梁思正工程師和彭啟輝先生


港鐵工程師梁思正工程師和彭啟輝先生開發了VSENSOR系統,簡化測試程序。系統用電量低及以獨立電池運作,利用現今科技的高速micro SD卡,32 bit ARM微型控制器,更新整個系統。無需操作人員實地監察,儀器可置在列車組件內,在列車運行時收集數據。系統還能利用列車的減速和停頓特性測出列車位置,不需倚賴GPS系統,亦解決了GPS在隧道內不能操作的限制。

兩位工程師亦開發了所需的數據分析軟件,可分析大量收集到的數據,包括數字濾波器,站位繪描,和RMS /峰值計算。



如有查詢,請與香港工程師學會傳訊統籌部聯絡。電話︰2895 4446; 傳真︰2203 4133; 電郵︰

(21 March 2014, Hong Kong) Four engineering awards, organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, have been presented at the 39th Annual Dinner of the Institution which was successfully held on 18 March 2014. The "HKIE Gold Medal 2014" was conferred on Ir Dr Andrew K C Chan, "The President’s Award 2014" was conferred on Mr David P S Chan, the "Young Engineer of the Year Award 2014" was presented to Ir Bryan M K So, and the "HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2014" went to Ir Bryan M K So, Ir John S J Leung and Mr Andy K F Pang.

The HKIE Gold Medal 2014

Ir Dr Andrew K C Chan was the winner of the HKIE Gold Medal this year. The selection criteria were precise and rigorous. The Panel of Judges considered all candidates' achievements as well as their contributions to the profession and to the community. The most distinguished person was selected for the Award in recognition for his commendable achievement.

Ir Dr Andrew Chan has a 40-year career in international civil, geotechnical and multi-disciplinary engineering practice. He is currently Deputy Chairman of the global Arup Group, one of the world's foremost multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy firms, with responsibility for the global development of their strategic businesses. Prior to his present appointment, he was Chairman of Arup's East Asia Region and of the Hong Kong office.

Ir Dr Chan is distinguished for his contribution and leadership in the creation, design and delivery of some of the most celebrated buildings and infrastructure facilities in the region. These innovative and award-winning projects include the Hongkong Bank Building, IFC and ICC towers in Hong Kong, the 2008 Olympics venues, CCTV and the new airport terminal in Beijing, Canton Tower in Guangzhou, as well as major infrastructures for sustainable urban development, transport and energy projects for many cities in Asia.

Through his earlier projects and related research, Ir Dr Chan has made important contributions to the practice of urban deep excavation and foundation engineering. In recent years, he spearheaded the green building movement and advancement of sustainable design in Hong Kong, making great strides in promoting engineers' leadership role in sustainability and a low-carbon future for cities.

Ir Dr Chan actively supports engineering education, advising and lecturing at a number of universities. He is passionate about nurturing young engineers and engineers' responsibility for projects of humanitarian and social benefit.

For the profession and the community, Ir Dr Chan has served on many statutory and advisory bodies in Hong Kong over many years. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and events both locally and internationally, and has spoken and published widely on his vision, projects and practices for planning, design and construction.

Ir Dr Chan is a Past President of the HKIE, Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council, Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and Fellow and Senior Vice President of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. In recognition of his achievements, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the UK's national academy. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace by the HKSAR Government in 2006 and awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2012 for his contribution to engineering and the built-environment in Hong Kong.

The President's Award 2014

The President's Award has been set up by the Institution in recognition of the dedicated and valuable service of the member of any class who has served the Institution with distinctive achievements. This year, Mr David P S Chan receives the honour of the President's Award.

Mr David Chan joined the Highways Office of the then Public Works Department as a trainee foreman in 1973. He was subsequently promoted to Senior Inspector of Works in 1989. As a frontline quality control team leader over the past 40 years, he has played a pivotal supervisory role in ensuring our major civil engineering projects are all up to standard.

As an experienced Senior Inspector of Works, Mr Chan has been engaged in the development of the majority of MTR railway projects, Route 5 Country Park Section, Tate's Cairn Tunnel approach flyovers and Prince Edward Road Interchange, Penny's Bay Infrastructure development contracts 1 & 2, Central Reclamation phases 1 & 3, and, most recently, the West Kowloon Terminus of the Express Rail Link and its southern approach tunnel works and etc.

Mr Chan was first elected an Associate Member of the HKIE in 1986. He has been actively committed to HKIE events since 2003, organising technical talks, Mainland visits, international conferences and community services. He is now Chairman of the Associate Members Committee "Subgroup 1" as well as a member of the Task Force on Development of Associate Member.

Mr Chan has been heavily involved in protecting the welfare of resident site staff. In 1988-1991, he was a founding member of the Resident Site Staff Branch. He helped win the introduction of a 25% Contract Completion Gratuity for resident site staff in 1991. In 2005-2013, he helped them secure the removal of unfair employment terms from their government contracts.

To promote the quality and standard of our construction industry, Mr Chan promoted the status of senior construction supervisors through the formation of a "Mandatory Registration of Site Supervision Practitioner Concerning Party" in 2008. Subsequent to his effort, he was elected as Chairman of the Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate (Hong Kong) in 2011. He was recognised with the awards of the HKIE Professional Volunteers Service Accreditation Programme in 2009 and 2012 respectively.

Mr Chan supports a healthy lifestyle and is a registered dragon boat coach. Under his leadership, the HKIE Civil Division Dragon Boat Team was established in 2011. Through the joint efforts of several members, the HKIE Dragon Boat Team became 1st runner-up at the 2013 HK International Dragon Boat Race in the Professional Category.

Young Engineer of the Year Award 2014

In line with the overwhelming response of the Young Engineer of the Year Award in previous years, the HKIE is pleased to organise the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2014. It was glad that all candidates have had significant contributions and outstanding achievements to the profession, to the community of Hong Kong and to the HKIE. The selection process has been competitive, hence the decision on the selection has never been easy for the Panel of Judges. This year, the Award goes to Ir Bryan M K So.

Ir Bryan So received his BEng (Major in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Minor in Computer Science) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 and his MSc (Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management) from the University of Hong Kong in 2006.

Ir So is a pioneer in biomedical engineering technology development. He developed a numerically controlled, user-centric 3D dental prostheses design and manufacturing system, which is the first of its kind. He also developed implantable artificial finger joints for biological repair and an innovative turnkey solution for a patented optical imaging system which supports dermatologists in early-stage diagnosis of diseases.

As a Senior Consultant at the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), Ir So has extensive professional experience in government-funded and consultancy projects, new product development and regulation of medical devices.

As an expert in medical device regulations, Ir So developed the local pilot schemes of medical device risk management system and medical device good distribution practice. He also authored the manuals for the two pilot schemes. He is the Executive Deputy Secretary General of the Asian Harmonisation Working Party (AHWP), which actively promotes the harmonisation of medical device regulatory affairs among 23 member economies. He supervises the Rapid Prototyping Technology Centre at HKPC and, as an expert in 3D printing technology, has provided design and development support in more than 300 industry and professional assignments annually.

Ir So's skill in solving medical problems through innovative engineering solutions won him the HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members - Grand Prize (Category I) this year. He was also presented with the HKPC Most Valuable Person Award and HKPC Outstanding Supervisor Award in the past.

Ir So is committed to serving the HKIE and the community. He is a Committee Member of the HKIE Biomedical Division and Division Representative of the Community Service Committee of the HKIE. He has organised the biennial BME International Conference series since 2002 to promote the exchange of biomedical knowledge with funding support from the Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme. He is also active in industry associations and is a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities organiser. He also teaches as a guest lecturer at various local universities.

This year, Ir Bruce W H Chong, Ir Edwina P Y Lai and Ir Gordon K W Ng were also presented the Certificate of Merit.

The HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2014

With an aim to encourage our young members to develop their creativity through innovative application of engineering knowledge, and to inspire upon them to develop their intellectual and career interests in engineering, the Institution launched the HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members since 2008, a new initiative with the generous support of the family of the late Ir Kenneth Au-yeung. The entry can focus on any areas of engineering disciplines within the context of the HKIE. There are two main categories, namely Category I - An Invention and Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories. The innovativeness of the Design will be assessed based on its originality and creativity. This year, the two Grand Prizes go to Ir Bryan M K So (Category I) , Ir John S J Leung and Mr Andy K F Pang (Category II).

Category I - An Invention

Innovative Turnkey Solution for a Patented Non-Radioactive Optical Imaging System for Dermatological Applications by Ir Bryan M K SO

Skin cancer has become one of the top ten cancers in Hong Kong with more than 600 new cases per year. Globally incidences of skin cancer have been increasing rapidly with 2-3 million non-melanoma and 132,000 melanomas occurring each year.

Under current medical practice, most medical doctors rely on their visual judgement to assess suspected skin lesions. They lack an effective tool to help with visual assessment while biopsy is invasive, time-consuming and costly.

The patented solution, which was developed with the support of the Innovation and Technology Fund, comprises a hardware bio-optics image capturing system and a software skin lesion analyser. The latter is based on the "ABCD rule", which can assist medical doctors in identifying and monitoring the symptoms of potential skin cancer more effectively.

Ir Bryan So received his BEng (Major in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Minor in Computer Science) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 and MSc (Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management) from the University of Hong Kong in 2006. He is currently a Senior Consultant at the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) with responsibility for biomedical engineering projects. He also supervises the Rapid Prototyping Technology Centre at HKPC, offering product design and 3D printing services.


Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories

VSENSOR - Compact Train Vibration Monitoring Device with Intelligent Assessment Technology by Ir John S J LEUNG and Mr Andy K F PANG

Vibration monitoring is one of the most effective ways of monitoring train ride comfort and train structural change throughout its service lifetime. The conventional approach relies on bulky vibration dataloggers connected to laptops and amplifiers with long wires running from the train cab to the test locations.

MTR engineers Ir John Leung and Mr Andy Pang invented the VSENSOR unit to simplify the whole testing procedure. The sensor comprises a small battery-powered ARM microcontroller, high-speed micro SD card and miniature MEMS accelerometer which replaces the conventional system. With its compact size, VSENSOR can be fitted onto train components with minimal setup time. With its software intelligence, VSENSOR requires no operator and has the ability to map the train location from the pattern of train decelerations towards each station. This is particularly useful when no GPS positioning is available inside tunnels.

The engineers have also tailor-made a Windows-based software to perform statistical analysis on the collected data. The software allows the user to select a route between stations for conducting analysis that is based on root mean squared calculation and vibration peak detection. The information is useful for comparing the vibration performance of a train over the years of measurement, similar to a health record kept by a family doctor for spotting abnormal trends.

Ir Leung is an engineer in train design and modification, a former aircraft engine maintenance engineer and holds a Degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Sydney.

Mr Pang is a specialist in the area of train bogies and holds a MSc in Engineering Enterprise Management and a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and a BEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

This year, Certificate of Merit of Category II was presented to Ir Cheung Pak Kin and Mr Victor C W Shea.

For enquiries, please contact the Corporate Communications Section at Tel: 2895 4446, Fax: 2203 4133 or Email:

11 September 2013
香港工程師學會大致上支持政府的長遠房屋策略 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers is generally in support of the Long Term Housing Strategy of the Government

(香港,2013年9月11日) 政府就制定香港未來的長遠房屋策略現正進行有關檢討和諮詢,以確保有效利用現有及新增的土地和房屋資源來滿足社會對房屋之短、中和長期的需求。由運輸及房屋局局長率領一個涵蓋不同界別人士的督導委員會,進行了為期一年的房屋策略檢討,並已於早前發表長遠房屋策略諮詢文件,就不同房屋問題提出相關建議及解決方案。



電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2203 4133

(11 September 2013, Hong Kong) The Government is undergoing a review on the Long Term Housing Strategy (LTHS). The review aims to ensure the optimal use of the existing land and housing resources to meet the housing needs of the community in the medium and long term. A Steering Committee, chaired by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, and comprising key stakeholders from different sectors has concluded a one-year study and a consultation document has been published to offer its findings and recommendations on various housing aspects and initiatives under the LTHS.

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) together with other professional institutes co-organised a luncheon talk today and invited the HKSAR Chief Executive the Honourable C Y Leung to share the contents of the consultation document and the views of the Steering Committee during the luncheon.

The HKIE is generally in support of the Long Term Housing Strategy and objectives put forward in the consultation document and will gauge members’ views and prepare a submission to the Government in due course.

For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446/ 6398 4599
Fax : 2203 4133
Email :

05 September 2013
思維創新天 科技闖巔峰 "High Gear for New Technology, a Mindset for Change"
(香港,九月五日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)會長陳健碩工程師於今天舉行的傳媒午餐聚會上介紹學會本年度的方向。

陳會長致歡迎辭時強調︰「本年度學會的主題為『思維創新天 科技闖巔峰』。我們面對一個瞬息萬變的環境,有效充分應用先進科技,對我們的工程專業發展越趨重要。工程業界多年來所本著的創新求變,持續改善的思維,將成為一股主要推動力。本年度學會將以提升先進科技,追求卓越工程為目標。透過互相交流,於不同範疇的工程項目上應用先進的科技,向大眾宣傳工程專業之訊息,從而提升工程師的專業形象。」

陳會長表示為了加強公眾及青年人對工程專業的認識,學會將暫定於明年六月八日(星期日)於九龍灣國際展貿中心,舉辦「The HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta 2014」。當中包括比賽、表演、展覽及攤位遊戲等,希望藉此讓市民及學生認識到工程師的工作,了解工程專業及學會,並且激發年輕一代的學生對工程學的興趣,鼓勵他們將來投身工程專業。學會亦正計劃舉辦卓越工程講座,以促進知識與科技發展之交流。



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香港工程師學會會長陳健碩工程師 (左) 及香港工程師學會生物醫學工程分部副主席
兼香港生產力促進局 (生產力局) 自動化科技部總經理雷致行工程師

Self Photos / Files - 2013-09-06_171909
香港工程師學會會長陳健碩工程師 (左) 及香港工程師學會生物醫學工程分部副主席
兼香港生產力促進局 (生產力局) 自動化科技部總經理雷致行工程師

傳媒熱線:6398 4599
電話︰2895 4446
傳真︰2203 4133
電話︰3960 1903
傳真︰2827 1337

(5 September 2013, Hong Kong) President Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek is pleased to announce the new initiatives of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in enhancing the visibility of the engineering profession at the media luncheon today.

"High Gear for New Technology, a Mindset for Change" will be the theme for the Institution for the year ahead. "With the fast changing environment around us, the application of new technologies in engineering practice has become more important and urgent than ever before. Our members' well established ‘change' mindset for continuous improvement is one of the important driving forces to enhance innovation in science and technology and their engineering applications. There will be a focus on engineering excellence during the Session 2013/2014. We aim to facilitate knowledge dissemination, to reach out to the community and other stakeholders by showcasing the application of technologies in various aspects of engineering and to enhance our professionalism," Ir Chan emphasised in the welcoming remarks.

Ir Chan remarked that a technology fiesta entitled "The HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta 2014" was tentatively scheduled for 8 June 2014 (Sunday) in the Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre where hi-tech solutions employed by the engineering profession and future development can be shown in a fun setting. It was planned that the programme could promote the engineering profession and the Institution to the secondary/tertiary students and the general public, arouse the interest of the younger generation in engineering profession and encourage them to choose engineering as their careers. In addition, distinguished lectures were planning in the pipeline to enhance the exchange of knowledge on the latest technological development for the benefit of the profession and the community alike.

As part of the HKIE's commitment to nourish young engineers, the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme (PPS) is continued this year. These young engineers will shadow the President to attend significant events and observe how a senior figure in the industry operates in the year to come. Ir Chan took the occasion to introduce the newly selected young members to the media during the luncheon. Ir Chan highlighted, "Through the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme, the Institution can nurture these enthusiastic young engineers in the engineering profession, and in return, they will contribute more for the benefit and advancement of the society."

In addition, the HKIE today hosted a media tour of the 3D printing facility of the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) with the aim of showcasing the significant achievements of the engineering profession in technology innovation. 3D printing is the world's hottest new technology. In Hong Kong, 3D printing has long been used by many industries. The application of this advanced technology has been extended to biomedical engineering in recent years. Medical equipment and devices can be customised by adopting 3D printing, greatly reducing the time and cost required in product development while improving accuracy and efficacy to benefit many patients.

Self Photos / Files - 2013-09-06_171843
Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) (left);
and Ir Derek LOUIE, Deputy Chairman of the Biomedical Division, the HKIE, and
General Manager (Automation Service) of Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
introduce the latest developments in 3D printing in biomedical engineering.

Self Photos / Files - 2013-09-06_171909
Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) (left);
and Ir Derek LOUIE, Deputy Chairman of the Biomedical Division, the HKIE, and
General Manager (Automation Service) of Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
are pictured with the HKIE’s logo produced by the 3D printer next to them.

For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Ms Sara Cheung, Manager – Corporate Communications
Media Hotline: 6398 4599
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2203 4133
Bentley Communications
Mr Kevin Chan, Press Services Director
Tel: 3960 1903
Fax: 2827 1337


27 June 2013
香港工程師學會新任會長陳健碩工程師 思維創新天 科技闖巔峰 Newly Installed HKIE President Ir Raymond CHAN Kin Sek High Gear for New Technology, a Mindset for Change

(香港,2013年6月26日) 香港工程師學會(學會)欣然公布陳健碩工程師於2013年6月25日舉行的第38屆會員周年大會上榮任第39屆會長。蔡健權教授、工程師則任期屆滿,成為上任會長。


陳會長強調「思維創新天 科技闖巔峰」將會是學會本年度的前進方針。我們面對一個瞬息萬變的環境,有效充分應用先進科技,對我們的工程專業發展越趨重要。有見及此,陳會長提到︰「工程業界多年來所本著的創新求變,持續改善的思維,將成為一股主要推動力。本年度將以提升先進科技,追求卓越工程為目標。透過互相交流知識,於不同範疇的工程項目上應用先進的科技,向大眾宣傳工程專業之訊息,從而提升工程師的專業形象。」



電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2203 4133

1. 陳健碩工程師的簡歷
2. 二零一三至二零一四年度理事會名單

(Hong Kong, 26 June 2013) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (The HKIE) is pleased to announce the installation of Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek as the 39th President for Session 2013/2014 at The HKIE 38th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 25 June 2013. Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen has become the Immediate Past President.

Ir Chan, the newly installed President, is dedicated to working hand in hand with members to achieve their common goals for the benefit and advancement of the Institution, the engineering profession and the community.

Ir Chan highlighted that "High Gear for New Technology, a Mindset for Change" will be the theme for the Institution for the year ahead. He emphasised that, with the fast changing environment around us, the application of new technologies in engineering practice has become more important and urgent than ever before. "Our members' well established 'change' mindset for continuous improvement is one of the important driving forces to enhance innovation in science and technology and their engineering applications. There will be a focus on engineering excellence during the Session 2013/2014. We aim to facilitate knowledge dissemination, to reach out to the community and other stakeholders by showcasing the application of technologies in various aspects of engineering and to enhance our professionalism," Ir Chan remarked.

With his strong credentials and prominent experience, Ir CHAN is well positioned in representing and leading the HKIE to reach new heights, particularly in the context of new technology advancement, to enable the engineering profession to meet the challenges ahead and to sustain excellence in the profession as well as the Institution in his term of presidency.

The AGM also announced that Ir Victor C K Cheung and Ir Chan Chi-chiu were successfully re-elected as the Vice Presidents and Ir Joseph K H Choi was elected the new Vice President in this Session. The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir CHAN Chau-fat, Ir Johnny C H CHAN, Ir CHOW Lap-man, Ir Alex K F KWAN and Ir Eva Y W MAK. Please refer to the attached full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2013/2014.

For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446/ 6398 4599
Fax : 2203 4133
Email :

1. Biography of Ir Raymond Chan Kin Sek
2. Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2013/2014

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Ir Raymond K S Chan, the newly installed President of the HKIE

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The newly installed President of the HKIE, Ir Raymond K S Chan (left) and the Immediate Past President,
Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen (right)

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Ir Raymond K S Chan delivering his speech after the installation
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The 38th Annual General Meeting of the HKIE

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