NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special General Meeting of the Control, Automation & Instrumentation (CA) Division will be held on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 at 6:30pm at Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, the HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong for the following purpose:
- To conduct an election to fill the vacancy occur in the office of the Ordinary Member of the Committeeunder Clause 7.2(c)of the Division Rules
In case of adjournment of the SGM, members of the Division shall check on the Institution’s website at http://www.hkie.org.hk and the Division’s website at http://ca.hkie.org.hk of the revised venue, time and date for the adjourned SGM.
Ir Billy CHOW Man Hon
Honorary Secretary
25 August 2023
Nominations for Ordinary Member under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules
Ir Prof Louis F S LOCK tendered his resignation as the Ordinary Member of the Committee under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules. Following his resignation, there is one vacancy for the Ordinary Member.
To fill the vacancy, the Division Committee has decided to nominate Ir Prof GE Ming for the Ordinary Member for a three-year term.
No other nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline.
Enquiries: Ir Billy CHOW at Tel: 2436 8749 or Email: mhchow@vtc.edu.hk and Dr Lisa SHAM at Tel: 8208 8481 or Email: drlsham.instmchk@gmail.com.