24 December 2018
APEC Engineer Databank

The HKIE is an Authorised Member of the APEC Engineer agreement.  This agreement aims to establish a standard of competence for professional engineering to facilitate the mobility of experienced professional engineers among the participating Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. For further details about the APEC Engineer and its register in Hong Kong, please visit the corresponding webpage under the HKIE website at https://www.hkie.org.hk/en/quali/ipea_a/#apec.


In line with the above stated aim, the APEC Engineer Coordinating Committee under the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group established a publicly accessible and centralised databank of registered APEC Engineers – APEC Engineer Databank – in August 2018.


The APEC Engineer Databank consists of basic data of APEC Engineers including name, registration details, company/organisation and job designation, as well as more advanced information such as experience profile.  Through the APEC Engineer Databank, APEC Engineers have the opportunity to promote their skills and professional services. On the other hand, the potential employers/business partners and government agencies have the opportunity to search for competent engineers to support cross-border collaboration projects, skills transfer and innovation.


Members are invited to visit the webpage of the APEC Engineer Databank under the International Engineering Alliance website at

http://www.ieagreements.org/agreements/apec/apec-engineer-databank/ for more information.


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