As an Engineering professional, you are logical; efficient in computing data and calculation with formulas. On the other hand, you may not be sensitive to “people”. In real life, if you’re not aware of how others are coming across to you and how you’re coming across to them, you’re missing the computation of human factors and collect the immense information from the cues during human interaction. If you’re ambitious in career and looking forward moving up the career ladder, being able to harness your knowledge of reading people can put you at a huge advantage in front of the clients, project partners, subordinates, colleagues, bosses, examination board, regulative bodies, or in the public or other professional situations. An accurate reading of people could make a difference, impress, motivate and influence your stakeholders.
“Enneagram” refers to the nine different types or styles, with each representing a worldview and archetype that resonates with the way people think, feel and act in relation to the world, others and themselves. It reveals that all people belong to one of nine major personality types. The objective of this program is to help engineers to identify their strengths and the limitations; guide them develop more capacity beyond it. Not putting you or others into a box, but understanding people in-depth and realizing there are many possibilities in people.
After completing the workshop, participants will understand and grasp:
1. the distinction of nine personalities in Enneagram and explore which one you belong to;
2. the potential and motivational traits of your ownself and others; and .
3. the skill of how to build an effective team with Enneagram
Course Contents:
- Introduction to Enneagram
- Enneagram Diagram and its basic Structure: Body (Instinctive/ Gut/ Belly), Heart (Feeling), and Mind center (Thinking)
- The distinction of 9 different personalities, realizing your own and how to identify other peoples’personalities.
- The secret in Communicating with Nine personalities
- Motivating & Leading People; Team Building & Stakeholders Management with Enneagra
Cantonese with English terms.
Please make your registration at
Melinda on Tel: 8192 9898 Fax: 2474 3821 Whatsapp 9797 3975