In addition to completing the training requirements, each candidate for Professional Engineer is required to have held a position of responsibility, requiring knowledge and practice of an engineering discipline, for the following minimum periods:


1. Civil, Environmental, Geotechnical and Structural Engineering

A minimum of one year of responsible post-training experience.


2. All other Engineering Disciplines
A minimum of two years of responsible post-training experience.


Upon completion of his/ her training programme, the candidate is expected to exercise judgement and undertake responsibility in a professional capacity, with
little more than the normal managerial reference to his/ her superiors.

Engineering is everywhere related to our everyday life.


The Scope of engineering work ranges from:

The scope of engineering is also very diverse. There are 20 major types of
engineering practices in Hong Kong.


Civil, environmental, Geotechnical, Marine
and Naval Architecture…

Infrastructure, Power and Water Supplies

Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Environmental, Gas, Information, Materials, Mechanical…

Shopping Centres

Building, Building Services, Civil, Electrical, Fire,
Materials, Manufacturing
and Industrial, Structural….


Control, Automation & Instrumentation, Electrial, Electronics, Mechanical, Structual…


Control, Automation
& Instrumentation, Biomedical, Electronics…


Aircraft, Civil, Marine
and Naval Architecture
Logistics & Transportation